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The MLM Company of The Future Must Successfully Retail

Posted by Thomas Prendergast on September 07, 2015 - 3:36am

"The MLM industry needs to change. The general public is

increasingly reluctant to buy overpriced products and

distributors need opportunities with products that will

actually sell in the marketplace".

Thomas Prendergast

The MLM Company of The Future Must Successfully Retail

For now, Valentus has had good success using an automatic Powerline concept with people who inquire about their product or opportunity on their website..

Powerlines aren’t new. They just work a lot better when the company makes a good product. In the case of Valentus, anybody who requests information about the company is automatically put into a constantly growing powerline where they can visibly see their downline growing.

That new prospect is constantly reminded how their potential downline is growing. If the prospect wants to take advantage of those potential sign-ups, they can sign up first. If they don’t mind being passed up, they don’t have to sign up but they can still buy product.

Valentus doesn’t have a complex product line. They’re in the coffee niche and reports are that their product is not only cost-competitive but it also tastes good.

The coffee niche of MLM is definitely not saturated. Coffee is still a huge business… and it’s a simple product with broad appeal that everybody understands (the Steinkeller Brothers, formerly of Organo Gold proved that). The point of this article is that MLM companies would be well-advised to start paying more attention to successful retailing. If they don’t, and the consumer gets angry enough, regulators will step in… and it won’t be pretty.

Art Williams