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Social media reach: why more is more


As inbound marketers, we recommend focusing on building deeper engagement with just your target customers rather than advertising to everyone. We spend our time creating content to get found by the most relevant prospects. However, when it comes to social media it makes sense to work to build reach beyond just the most targeted prospects. This is why we are building and inventing the Markethive Reach Platform(s)

The power of the network. The Power of Markethive!

Social media embodies the power of the network (The Hive). The more people you are connected to, the more potential you have to reach relevant prospects who are open to your proposition.

In social media reach is crucial as it directly impacts how much your content and messages get shared. The more connected you are - with followers in Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn etc - the greater your ability to get found and generate leads.

Here are three key reasons that inbound marketers should consistently spend time increasing their followings in social media.

Reaching followers' followers and influencers

Having more followers means you get access to more of your followers' followers. The value of this comes from retweeting, commenting or mentioning you. For example, if one of your Twitter followers interacts with one of your tweets, that content is potentially getting exposed to everyone who follows them.

You're then reaching people who weren't following you and probably didn't know about you. Even if that original follower never becomes a customer, they've still exposed you to people who might.

Social media shares impact your SEO

Social media's impact on SEO is increasing with search engines taking social cues like shares into account when returning search results. Again, the more people that share/recommend your content, the better.

Serendipity and unexpected personas

Of course, you've developed personas as part of your inbound marketing and are working hard to create content that engages and nurtures them into becoming customers. Personas are essential and help us focus but social media creates opportunities to connect with people we weren't expecting to become customers.

Building up your following in social media gives the potential for exposure of your brand and products to people you might never have thought would be interested in what you sell and leads them back to your content.

Little and often - the secret to social media reach

If building reach isn't something you're already doing, start following new people who follow your current followers. Find influencers in your network and connect with them. Retweet and comment on their tweets and you will start to build your social media reach. Do it consistently and in a few weeks you'll have increased your reach significantly and your potential reach even more.

Markethive combines your social network associates with your message brand and exponentially explodes your reach

Find out more at the Markethive Workshops regarding the Reach

Thomas Prendergast
Markethive, Inc.