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Welcome to Markethive

The Wheel Of Fortune has been delivered

Posted by CEO Thomas Prendergast on July 17, 2021 - 1:06am

The transformation has begun.

We are releasing our first of many services as we move Markethive into being the most powerful marketing platform in existence, as well as the most powerful Social Network system as well as the most effective broadcasting platform ever built. We have arrived as the first mega social platform Marketing network, secured with block chain and run on Hivecoin (our Markethive Coin).

This coming Saturday Night Sunday Morning we are releasing our first of many services called “The Wheel Of Fortune” It is a donation type of Wheel with 5 levels. And “Every Spin is a Win”.

Level 1:
500 Bee Coins; 500 Ad Impressions; 100,000 Bee Coins; 1 Hivecoin; 100 Ad Impressions; 10 Hivecoin.

Level 2:
500 Bee Coins, 1000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boosts; 10% Air Drop Bump for 7 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 5 days; 50 Hivecoins

Level 3:
200 Hivecoins; 5,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop bump for 30 days; 10% Faucet Bump for 15 days; 1/10th ILP

Level 4:
200 Hivecoin; 10,000 Ad Impressions; News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop Bump for 30 days; Entrepreneur One for one month; 1/10th ILP

Level 5:
1000 Hivecoins; 20,000 Ad Impressions; 1 News Feed Boost; 50% Air Drop Bump for a year; Entrepreneur One for Life; 1 full ILP

And we are giving away 10 spins for free. You must use these spins before 7 days has passed.
So it begins. Any day now we will be setting the launch date on the wallet. Things are heating up and this party is about to get started. And…..you’re invited.

See you at the meeting. And remember I now have another commodity to give away. Coins and Spins. There is a lot more to reveal too, and we will this Sunday conference. Be there or be (well you know)




CEO Thomas Prendergast One Bee is a small increment of the Markethive Coin (MHV) 100 millionths of a MHV. Same as a satoshi is 100 millionth of a Bitcoin.
August 5, 2022 at 4:18am
Melody Christie love the Wheel of Fortune! :)
July 22, 2022 at 1:37am
gennady57 Kaliulin have a nice weekend friends
August 14, 2021 at 9:53am
CEO Thomas Prendergast 100,000,000 BEEtoshis make 1 Hivecoin
July 23, 2021 at 11:43pm
CEO Thomas Prendergast Bitcoin has satoshis. Hivecoin has Bee Coins.
July 23, 2021 at 2:02pm
Heiko Closhen What are bee coins?
July 23, 2021 at 10:11am
Louis Esselen Gods plan for all of us is coming together. thank you Thomas, Blessings to you,
July 21, 2021 at 6:13am
Annette LeFort Thanks team, enjoyed playing the free spins and won great gifts.
July 20, 2021 at 12:13pm
Caleb Mpamei Thanks, Tom. Enjoyed spinning those free wheels!
July 19, 2021 at 9:40pm
luba66 Lyubov Sultanova good information, thanks.
July 19, 2021 at 8:09pm
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