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Markethive Personal Invitation from Tony Cordingley

Posted by Tony Cordingley on November 24, 2016 - 11:25am Edited 11/25 at 12:02pm

Markethive Personal Invitation from Tony Cordingley

https://markethive.com/tonycordingley - Your Personal Invitation.

(Transcript) - Tony Cordingley, would like to invite you to join him in a new inbound marketing system, built entirely with the entrepreneur in mind.

This new inbound marketing system is called Markethive. Once you become a free member of markethive, you can build blogs and groups, to advance your own internet marketing campaigns.

Markethive is the future of blogging, indeed, the future of inbound marketing.

If you are involved in any way, with marketing a business, or affiliate program, the markethive is where you should be.

If you call yourself an entrepreneur, then markethive is where you should be.

If you are in any kind of business that uses inbound marketing, then you should be using markethive to enhance your marketing campaigns.

Markethive is the future. Markethive is your future. Markethive is waiting for you to come and join us. This is a personal invitation from Tony Cordingley to come and join markethive for free.

Here is a short description of the inbound marketing system called markethive.

Markethive is Inbound Marketing, combined with a dynamic vertical social network, funded by advertising. This not only makes the entire Inbound Marketing system cost-free, it also allows you to leverage huge results, when you build groups, to facilitate the platforms, via the social network.

Markethive is next generation technology, from a 20-year-old Inbound Marketing platform, called Veretekk. Built by the same entrepreneurs, innovation is our DNA.

We invented Inbound Marketing back in 1996.

Markethive is not just another social network, for the sake of being just another social network. Markethive is the social network for Entrepreneurs, as an ecosystem. This ecosystem is built upon the concept of force multipliers.

When you integrate the power of the social network, with the technology of Inbound Marketing, a new paradigm has been created, giving the little guy, and gal, unprecedented power to achieve unparalleled success. Not to mention the affiliate potential also included.

Automated Marketing was invented by Thomas Prendergast, in 1994, and evolved into what was known for 20 years as Veretekk. A system integrated into marketing teams, later to be known as Social Networks.

Today Veretekk has been replaced by Markethive. The most advanced Inbound Marketing platform.

Accept this personal invitation from Tony Cordingley today. Join Markethive today, for free.

See the link under this video, on YouTube.


The video in this post was created using - http://www.brandavideo.com

