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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Pete Ade on February 20, 2019 - 7:25am Edited 3/22 at 9:33pm

Attention everybody!!

Over the past few months we’ve been talking a lot about big, exciting changes that are coming to LottoSpring and now it’s time to tell you exactly what they are and how they will benefit you.

Here’s a short summary of what to expect…

We’ve decided to boost your rewards for referring new members. We’re doing this by increasing your existing bonuses, adding new benefits, launching new promotions and giving away more prizes.

ProSpring and VIP money-making Business Opportunities becomes more attractive for those members who want to build home-based businesses with sustainable incomes.

We are massively increasing your benefits unlocking your earning and prize-winning potential. It will literally propel your business into a new level of Income Opportunity.

Our new tracking system, automated marketing assets, access to special webinars, presentations and trainings will help you grow your team and business faster and easier than ever before.

It’s a win-win for everybody, therefore, here at LottoSpring, we all are motivated and already working hard towards our common goal – help you to win more!

Here’s why we have the same goals as you…

>>> Your Goals:
You win more —> that creates success stories —> your example attracts more players —> your team grows —> your income increases reliably —> that makes you happy!

>>> Our Goals:
You win more —> that creates success stories —> it attracts more players —> LottoSpring leverages the news around the world —> our business grows —> that makes us happy!

So, let’s dig into the details…

First of all, in order for us to make all the new benefits and bonuses available, we have to increase our prices slightly for all the subscriptions. See the new prices* below:

*If you have 3 directly referred players then you get a full 100% refund, in which case price increases will not matter for you. 

New prices apply only for new players and remain the same for our loyal members who joined before February 12, 2019.

Loyal members are qualified for Cash-back Incentive for the entire year of 2019, meaning that they are entitled to get a rebate every 3rd period of any additional amount they may have paid compared to 2018 prices.

All the additional expenses incurred between the old and new pricing is calculated and credited back to playing accounts of qualified members every 3rd period.

Now let’s talk about benefits…

1. Our NEW LottoSpring Bonus System is about to incentivise you to personally refer as many players as you can.

As soon as you refer 3 you start playing for FREE and get all the benefits from personally referred members and their referrals too.

But the goal of this bonus is to motivate you to personally refer more and more players until you hit all the targets and earn our new One-Off Blitz Points bonuses. There are a total of 480 Blitz tickets to go for and each ticket can win you guarantee prizes of anywhere between €1 and €50,000!

Here’s how the bonus work:

These bonuses cost us a fortune so why are we being so generous?

For the same reason we described above – it’s a win-win for everybody!

We believe good news travels fast, so when you start winning it’ll create success stories and attract more and more new players to LottoSpring!

2. We are adding another brand new bonus system, exclusively for Pro and VIP members, and we’ve called it “Fast Start Infinity Bonus”.

Firstly, please note that Fast Start Bonuses apply to Pro and VIP members only.

The rules are simple…

They get a permanent enhancement on their Blitz Points by directly referring 3 players within first 30, 60, or 90 Days after buying their first Pro or VIP subscription.

This Bonus adds to all their personal and downline points awarded to them.  

The timer starts when you join as a new member and pay for your Pro or VIP subscription.**

** If you are an existing Pro or VIP member, then we will automatically start your timer on the 12th of February, so you can still qualify by inviting 3 new players and pick up the Fast Start Bonus.

Fast Start Override Bonuses apply from the period after you qualify and go on FOREVER.

Important note:

>>> Pro Members get extra Blitz points from Pro and Lotto players.

>>> VIP Members get extra Blitz points from VIP, Pro and Lotto players.

3. We’ve made some positive changes in our 6 Star Rank System for ProSpring and VIP ProSpring members.

As you might know, each Rank unlocks another boost in income and bonuses, therefore we decided to make it easier for you to climb up the ranks.

So here are the revised, easier-to-achieve qualifications for Rank advancement:

As you can see, its more about people in your team and less about their qualifications.

And remember, each Rank now comes with more Blitz Points. Plus, you get up to 15% extra Blitz points on top of everything with our new Fast Start Bonus.

4. ALL the Blitz Points for VIP players are being boosted, which taps them into greater rewards for every purchase in their team.

You can now get as much as 1,000 Blitz Points every month from your personal VIP referrals alone.

Couple this with an extra 15% Fast Start Bonus and you could be getting 1150 Blitz Point each month from just one team member.

And the downline team benefits are even greater when you think 20-30% increase across your team.

Here’s a table with new benefits for VIPs:

5. We are making some exciting marketing enhancements to add to the automated referral power of LottoSpring

We’re developing some new technology, coupled with new presentations, webinars and trainings, which will allow us to create new referral and duplication systems to maximise conversion potential. What’s more important than to help you to build your team fast?

Exciting times ahead…

Not yet a LottoSpring Member?

If you haven’t yet taken the leap towards FREE prizes and income then you can still join and start getting Massive Benefits today!

P.S. Note that we don’t email you everything. Some news and updates about offers, free bonuses, sweepstakes and draws are posted on our Social Media channels. So, if you are not already subscribed to our Social Media channels then make sure you do that first so that you don’t miss out on more Benefits, News, and Prize Offers.

Original Article appeared here: http://blog.lottospring.com/exciting-new-bonuses-at-lottospring/

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