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The Role of Resveratrol in Achieving Optimal Health P-1


Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in a number of plants.

  • Resveratrol is a naturally occurring compound found in a number of plants. It belongs to stilbenes, a class of polyphenolic compounds, and acts like an antioxidant
  • Aside from certain wholesome foods, you can get your needed supply from high-quality supplements. Here’s what you need to know about proper resveratrol supplementation

Have you heard of the so-called "French Paradox?" It refers to the fact that despite their high cholesterol and high saturated fat diet, the French do not contract heart disease because of their high red wine intake.1 While this belief most likely stemmed from a marketing campaign perpetuated by the wine industry,2 there may be some truth to this, as red wine contains a potent antioxidant known as resveratrol. However, drinking red wine is not the only way to get resveratrol, and you should not rely on it as your primary source of this antioxidant as it can pose many negative effects (more on this later). But first, let's touch on what resveratrol is and how it does your body good. 

Article Produced By
Dr. Mercola

Posted by
Chuck Reynolds

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