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They don’t want to be tied up on a long phone call or start receiving a barrage of marketing emails. They have a question that needs to be answered and they want that answer as quickly as possible. So why would you make them work harder to get in touch?

Did you know that customers are five times more likely to respond to a text than to a phone call or voicemail? Texting is just the way that communication is done these days. Companies that understand texting is the new communications medium are going to see major customer growth.

Texts are short, sweet and to the point. A text message simply communicates information in a concise way that customers appreciate. If you can get them to agree to be texted, then you have an automatic in and a surefire method of communication.

Any business that relies upon leads or collects information to be followed up on later absolutely must be using text messaging. Click the text us button below to see the application that you can use to make this happen in action.