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To cut to the basic meaning, a Bitcoin fork is created when a development team duplicates a Bitcoin blockchain, making specific changes in different aspects with the hope of offering a better version.

The change might be a divergence (known as a soft fork), or a permanent split (a hard fork) which would ultimately create a new digital currency.

When Satoshi Nakamoto introduced the world to the first cryptocurrency – he launched Bitcoin as an open-sourced technology, meaning that any project can copy the code and modify it with different levels of change and varying scales of success.

There are several reasons why a fork might happen, such as a proposed change to protocol because a pioneer might perceive a flaw in the algorithm or system of a particular blockchain and might think they have a potential solution. A big issue for which Bitcoin has been criticized is the troubles of scalability, particularly pertinent to the number of transactions that can be processed at any given time.

The crypto-cupboard of forks is not lacking, with some more respectable than others. Three of the most prominent Bitcoin forks are  Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and Bitcoin Tether

Bitcoin Tether is the first Bitcoin fork backed by USDT
backed by over $95,000,000 worth of REAL ASSET.

Important Dates
1st August – Presale Fork Tokens Go Live. (Token Price $0.001) 1st October – Main Sale Fork Tokens Go Live. (Token Price $0.1) 1st December – Testnet Development Starts 1st February – BTCT will go on to Mainnet, Exchanges & Wallets will also be activated so users will have the ability transfer BTCT.

It still remains to be seen whether many users will be in full support of these diverged forks, but if the possibility for a near-flawless digital currency is on the table it can only be good news for the cryptoworld