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Entrepreneur One availability ending soon

Posted by Simon Keighley on February 18, 2021 - 2:07pm

Entrepreneur One availability ending soon

A message from Thomas Prendergast - Markethive CEO

As we prepare to migrate onto Cardano, to launch our wallet, our coin and blockchain, as we prepare to launch our first membership called Apprentice, as we prepare to release our video channel and new NewsFeed, we are ending the Entrepreneur One loyalty program option.

Ending means the ability to upgrade a new account will no longer be available. The ability to restore a suspended Entrepreneur One account will no longer be available.

This does not mean current active members will lose their accounts. On the contrary, current members will keep their accounts for the lifetime of the company.

We will be making the official notice of the ending of new Entrepreneur One accounts very soon and that will mark the 30-day deadline. It will also mark the 60-day deadline to restore suspended accounts.

The release of our wallets will soon follow and that will also be the ending of the BETA program as we make our launch into the cryptosphere official.

We will also be releasing our Entrepreneur One exchange where Entrepreneur One active account holders can sell their accounts and any Markethive member can buy as many Entrepreneur One accounts if there are E1 accounts made available by those members who possess these memberships.

Make sure to come to our Sunday meetings at 11 am (Chicago central time). Find the link in the Markethive calendar.

Thomas Prendergast


ecosystem for entrepreneurs