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Definition of Diet & Carbohydrates

Posted by on May 30, 2020 - 12:26pm Edited 5/30 at 12:38pm

DIET & CARBOHYDRATES -      World Health Organisation, 1948 - Salient features of different definitions of diet and its constituents are like            DIET -  1. Optimum Nutrition Diet - The individual is said to be in the state of Optimum Nutrition if the diet is able to meet all nutrional needs and also provides an extra allowance for minor stresses and strains. It provides all nutrients in adequate amount for good health and to fight any disease. This is also known as Adequate Nutrition Diet or Good Nutrition Diet. All essential nutrients taken from all food groups, are in correct balance which may also be called Balanced diet.  So all the definitions are synonymous.                                      CARBOHYDRATES -  It is one of the prime components of our daily diet commonly referred as Carbs. It is the main energy source for human body. Carbohydrates are a mixture of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Carbohydrates are manufactured in the plants from carbon dioxide in the air and water , in the presence of sunlight. This process is called photosynthesis.                                                            CLASSIFICATION OF CARBOHYDRATES - 1. Simple sugars and Complex sugars . 2. Simple Carbs ( sugar ) and Complex Carbs ( starch and fibers ).3. Glycemic Index ( GI ) - How fast they ( carbs ) are digested and thus how quickly sugar levels are raised. GI can be high, medium and low. 4. Carbs can be unrefined and refined ( processed by manufacturers ).   SIMPLE CARBS - These are found in fruits which are digested easily. They are found in process food with refined sugar. Diabetic patients should be careful while consuming them.                                                                              COMPLEX  CARBS - They are usually found in plant based food which take longer time to be digested by the body.  They are bread ( roti ), rice and vegetables. Carbs provide energy to body cells as needed daily by them. Some facts about carbs are 1. When carbs are taken then they produce glucose, which provide energy for daily tasks and physical activities. 2. If body produces too much glucose then it will be stored in liver and muscles as glycogen ,  to be used for when the body needs an extra burst of energy. 3. Any leftover glycogen that is not stored in liver and muscles is turned into fat. 4. If a person is exercising for just for a short time like 30 minutes of walking or jogging, the body will release the stored glycogen from liver and muscles. 5. In case you are doing exercise for more than 30 minutes then body takes energy from the fats. It means if you want to reduce weight then  exercise should be for more than 30 minutes and not of 30 minutes or less. 6. The body needs carbs to function properly. In case you take insufficient carbs then you shall  feel fatigued, muscle cramps and poor mental function. 7.  If Carb is taken in low quantity then it seems healthy but if taken for long time then it is not good for overall well- being. 8. "Low carb" does not mean " no carb". This concept dieting can be dangerous. Do not commit body to no carb concept if you want to reduce weight. Consult a Dietician or doctor.                                        RDA OF CARBS - should be between 55%  to 70 % of the total calories requirements of an individual.  DEFICIENY OF CARBS - Normally there is no deficieny of carbs. In case there is a deficieny then body starts using  Proteins as energy source. Proteins are basically for the organs maintenance.  EMPTY KILOCALORIES - Some foods contain sugar only and no other nutrients. They provide empty kilo calories like table sugar and fizzy drinks. Too much sugar may decay teeth.                                                  FUNCTIONS OF CARBOHYDRATE1. Providing energy and regulation of blood sugar - Food consumed gets converted into glucose for energy of the body. Extra glucose produced gets converted into fats of the body.  2. Sparing the use of proteins for energy - Low intake of carbs can degrade the skeletal muscle and other tissues such as heart, liver and kidneys. If carbs are taken then ketosis shall be prevented. If carbs taken are low ( less than 50 gms per day,  then brain and other organs adapt to ketones  as fuel.  Ketones are released by Liver. To prevent ketosis, one should take 50 to 100 gms of carbs per day while dieting . In case of prolonged fasting , proteins provide glucose to organs as priority. Next glucose is taken from fatty acids and ketone bodies. At the end, ketones become important. 3. Breakdown of fatty acids and prevention ketosis.  4. Biological recognition process. 5. Flavour and sweeteners. 6. Dietary fibre  Tomorrow , next  constituent fiber shall be discussed. Regards.                                                      Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist,.                                   VLCC certificates in Clinical Nutrition & Weight Management