Pyramid is a structure with a square or triangular base and sloping sides that meet at the top. It means area of the base is biggest and keeps on decreasing as we go up. Area of the top is minimum. Same way Food Pyramid in diet, base shall indicate items which we need maximum and the top shall show food items which we need in low quantity. o we start with the base as per the food pyramid diagram in diet with details as under
1. Base Layer - Take Maximum- Consist of water and exercise .
2. Second Layer - Eat most - Vegs, dried peas, beans & lentils, cereals, bread, fruits and nuts.
3. Third Layer - Eat moderately - Lean meat, egg, fish, skinless chicken, milk, yogurt, cheese.
4. Top Layer - Eat in small amounts- oil, reduced fat spreads, , sugar.
1. Vegetables provide phytochemicals ( biological active compounds found in plant ) which are good for health. They have dietary fiber. They are antioxidant. They delay ageing. They prevent or slow down the process of cataract, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and cancer.
2. Dietary fiber delays the intestinal transit of the food consumed. It helps in keeping the food in the stomach for a long time thus maximum food is digested.
3. Fiber is good for the bowel movement and thus reduces the chronic constipation, haemorrhoids, diabetes and obesity etc . Fiber protects against the colon cancer.
4. Most of the vegetables and fruits are antioxidants which restrict the damage which is done by reactive oxygen free radicals on the cells and prevent diseases like atherosclerosis, cancer, inflammatory joint diseases, asthma , diabetes etc.
5. Raw and fresh vegetables like carrots, green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits like citrus fruits and tomatoes are free radicals scavengers/ anti oxidants. Vit C is potential antioxidant.
6. Different coloured vegetables provide different oxidants like orange colour provide beta- carotene, red provide lycopene, deep red provide betalines, blue and purple provide anthocynins.
7. The expert committee of Indian Council Medical Research ( ICMR ) has recommended that each adult should consume at least 50gms green leafy vegetable, other vegetables 200 gms and 50 gms of roots and tubers. In addition fresh fruits of 100 gms should be taken.
8. Since the requirements of iron and folic acid are higher for the pregnant women, they should consume 100 gms of leafy vegetables.
9. High calories vegetables and fruits to be restricted for overweight/ obese people.
10. Take vegetables and fruits having a lot of variety of different colours. They should be fresh and locally available.
11. Vitamins are lost when the vegetables are washed after cutting or when they are cut into small pieces for cooking. Some items of salad is more beneficial then cooked state.
12. It is important to find ways to eat more servings of vegetable and fruits once in a day.
Col KG Sharma, Nutritionist ,
VLCC Certificates in Clinical Nutrition and Weight Management