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Welcome to Markethive



Posted by Aditya S on May 21, 2020 - 4:37am

Image may contain: text that says "J THREE TYPE OF NEEW TOKENS"




Briefly, understandably - keep it to yourself for quick reference!


Blockchain in simple words is a registry of token movement records. Initially, we tried to use the Ethererum blockchain for our CRU token. However, even after several months, this blockchain could not completely synchronise all records from Personal Accounts (about 465,000 transactions remained).


Therefore, we held a tender among the blockchain development teams and chose an executor who, from April 2020, began to develop another blockchain solution.


????Currently, you can track the result of their work through the blockchain browser here


To date, the synchronisation with Personal Accounts has passed completely.


Soon, the Personal Account will appear on the blockchain for each CRU point holder and on your balance you will see three types of tokens:


1) Security token CRYPTOUNIT / CRU /

2) Stablecoin token / USDU /

3) Utility token / UNTB /


⚙️Security token CRYPTOUNIT / CRU /

- These are our CRU points today, which inherently have a digitalised share in the Global Investment Portfolio, which is created by the NEEMi Consumer Community.

These tokens will be controlled by the US Securities and Exchange Commission, and will participate in the distribution of profits, like ordinary shares of companies.

⚙️Stablecoin token / USDU /

- this is our UNIT, which you see now in your personal accounts and which you use for all calculations within the company, regardless of what the currency of your country of residence is. Unit mediates all multinational settlements of our company and is always equal to $ 1 now.

⚙️Utility token / UNTB /

- This is the token of our blockchain.

In total, 8 billion UNTB blockchain tokens will be issued, the issue of which will be completed in 10 years. Every 0.5 seconds, 10 UNTB tokens will be born, its initial price will be equal to 0.01 $.

In the Dashboard your Blockchain will be able to transfer the defrosted CRU points to the staking just as it is now possible to open the staking inside the Dashboard. The difference is that in the Blockchain’s Personal Account you will receive Utility token as a reward, and not unfrozen CRU points, as now in the company’s Personal Account.