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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Bruce Jacobs on December 25, 2016 - 4:46pm

Outside of your personal relationship with our Lord and Personal Savior Jesus Christ, I personally believe that your greatest wealth starts with your health. Life as we all know it starts and ends right there. A few years ago as Korey was in quest for better health for us all, he introduced to us a 2hr documentary movie called "Food Inc." I would like to share with you this holiday season a 34 minute interview of a doctor that covers as much healthy info on some key health topics that has or may affect us all including people we all know and love. 

As your mother and I approach retirement, we're looking forward to our better days being ahead. We're looking forward to more graduations, weddings, birthdays, vacations, grandkids, ballgames and the list goes on for many years to come. 2017 is the year that we will be putting our health first not only on our "To Do List" but more so on our "Must Do List" and we hope you will do the same. I like to keep it simple as saying our health basically comes down to 2 things of put in the good stuff and not the bad stuff. Personally I love the fact that I just threw out a few 3x and 4x shirts the other day. I love the fact that my doctor has taken me off high blood pressure medicine Pills. I still have a couple things to keep an eye on but it was putting in the bad stuff over 30 years so it may take a year or so to eliminate the rest.
Anyway it would be an honor, pleasure and peace of mind to have you look at 3 videos within the next day or so to get a different healthy perspective from a doctor that has an abundance of scientific experience to back up everything he believes. I will NOT ask you to watch his 2hr health seminar unless you don't believe or understand either one of his brief 35 minute interviews. If you want the hardcore and some of his scientific basis research then watch the 2hr wellness video. If you just want the skinny or short version then watch one of the 2 short 35min version (or both). I believe that there's a little health nugget for all of us no matter what stage of life we're in or going through right now. 
If his info is good enough to shared, taught, respected and understood by so many people (many professions) from around the world then it's good enough for you (the ones I love the most).
Video #2: ok... at the time of this writing I can't locate the 2ND short video. I will share when found
Love, Dadeo