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Posted by Bruce Jacobs on July 11, 2017 - 3:44pm Edited 7/11 at 4:10pm

If the Integrity, authenticity and reliability of a company and or product is important to you, look for the NFS or iOS label within their product line. The testing and certification results of all natural based products to determine what's in their product many times will be considered when deciding which products you're willing to consume.  Too many athletes, parents and kids are taking supplements (which they should) without being told the whole truth. Wouldn't you feel better knowing that what's on the label is in the product? Would you also get a better feeling knowing that you're also not consuming any extra hidden ingredients that's not on the label?

When a company is willing to have their products go through the intense independent testing process of NFS or iOS, just know it's a long tedious and expensive encounter. This is one reason why only a few companies send only a few other products through the certification process and not their entire product line. Some companies have dozens or even hundreds of products, so imagine what the time and cost it would be to send all.
No matter how big the company name and how long they've been doing business, they owe it to their current and potential consumers to have their product credibility authenticity is proven. If you're looking for the highest quality products, look for the certification labels from the NFS and iOS.  If a company chooses not to certify any of their products, that doesn't mean they're a bad company or they may be hiding something in their products.  After all,  the NFS and iOS certifications may affect the product to cost more. Someone may have to pay for the testing cost process and it just maybe you. 
The NSF mark is your assurance that the product has been tested by one of the most respected independent certification organizations in existence today. It is valued by consumers, manufacturers, retailers and regulatory agencies worldwide. The NSF certification mark on a product means that the product complies with all standard requirements. NSF conducts periodic unannounced inspections and product testing to verify that the product continues to comply with the standard. More info about NSF can be found at http://www.nsf.org/about-nsf/nsf-mark/  The International Fish Oil Standards™ (IFOS™) Program is the only third party testing and certification program for fish oils. IFOS sets the world's highest standards for purity, potency and freshness The purpose of IFOS is to allow companies to showcase their high quality, premium products, and to provide consumers with an easy, transparent way to compare fish oil products before they buy. More info about NSF can be found at http://www.nutrasource.ca/ifos/

Here below are a few of the products that was discussed in the above video.
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Bruce Jacobs (E100397-Contributor)