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Posted by Bruce Jacobs on October 15, 2015 - 12:13am Edited 10/15 at 12:13am

Sport juice and energy drinks accounted for over 15 Billion dollars last year alone from name brands such as Gatorades, ReboundFX, Red Bull. Vitamin Water, PowerAde, Monster, Propel, and so many others. People often debate which Sport juices and energy drinks are the best based on how healthy, how they taste and make you feel. What most people forget is there is a distinct difference in what Sport juices and energy drinks where meant to do. Many of your leading energy drinks are loaded with higher amounts of sugar and caffeine while sport drinks seem to be loaded with unnecessary amounts of sodium and sugars too. Now you have both Sport juice and energy drinks adding unhealthy amounts of vitamin B-12 so they can claim that their drinks are healthy for you!

Stay tuned… because ReboundFX Healthy Sports Drinks consumers are really seeing why they showing the Sport juice and Energy drink industry on how its done correctly. ReboundFX sports drink was created for basketball All-Star Mr. Theo Ratliff by Dr. Wallach along with select Scientist and Athletic Advisory Board. ReboundFX Sports Drink when help you to Hydrate & Replenish with Over 100 Plus Nutrients via Nutritional Science by Doctors that understand Athletes. plus ReboundFX can be a wise and economical choice for ONLY $1.17 to $1.67 per serving. More info at http://www.ReboundFX.info 

Bruce Jacobs
