Hello Financial Opportunity Seeker,
You are viewing this right now because I know personal freedom and financial independence is of some importance to you. What I’m about ready to share with you does NOT happen everyday and this opportunity is perfectly primed right now for you!
Take advantage of this 1x opportunity.
My friend and business mentor Mr. David Rutz (Founder of Escape and Aisle19) really want to help you achieve your financial goals from home right now. So much so that he’s coming out from behind his desk with his sleeves rolled up and is going back into the field full time to build his own personal organization in Youngevity and you can benefit by working directly with us together.
Many are earning $1million plus per year in Youngevity and thousands are earning full time income… Is it your turn?
A team of successful leaders at Escape of Youngevity, including Mr. Rutz and myself are on a push to develop new leaders and change people's lives. The income and lifestyle available in this thriving Youngevity business are astounding.
If you are passionate about personal freedom and financial independence, and want to make a wealth and or health difference in people's lives, then there’s no better company than Youngevity; no better team than Escape; and no better time than right now!
There has never been a better time for You and I to be building Youngevity, and to receive expert support!!! Mr. David Rutz has built organizations from 0 reps to 100,000 representatives 2x in his career and wants to help you right now! Additionally, some of his Escape leaders have already reached the top rank in Youngevity and can help you do the same. The system is in place and the timing in Youngevity is prime!
Youngevity is already a $100million company and is in rapid growth phase. Make a run with us to $1Billion.
If you’re ready to get moving right now and would like to earn your portion of the millions that paid out year after year in this industry, then let me help you enroll directly with one of our focused leaders that’s also working with Mr. David Rutz personally like myself. You need and deserve support from an ACTIVE sponsor and we want to make sure you have it. Ready to enroll just Click Here Now or get more info by watching the short video below.
In closing Here’s what Mr. David Rutz asked me to Share with You:
"I am really focused to help people who have the desire and want change. I am looking to work with people who have an inner hunger to make a difference in others lives, and their own. I am 100% focused on growth in the field and helping people to achieve success with our simple system" -David Rutz
It’s Time to Enroll by Clicking Here Now
Email me at: b 90 for life @ gmail . com (no scammers – I’m exceptionally happy in what I do and who I do it with)