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Youngevity "90 For Life" shares their insight about the importance of providing the body 90 essential nutrients. No matter what web source you may find to define the term "Essential Nutrients", most sources average out to this definition: An essential nutrient is a nutrient required for normal human body that must be obtained from a dietary source. There are more and more doctors now agreeing to their new understanding of what makes up the 90 Essential Nutrients portfolio.
On a personal note, I have this quick story to share. My wife and I for the most part part ate as healthy as we could. Her doctor prescribed a prenatal vitamin (23 nutrients) that she took for the entire 7 month pregnancy along with her healthy eating. Our son was born 2 months early under 4lbs with undeveloped lungs. My son was normally a sick child from October thru April for the first 12 years of his life no matter how healthy he would eat. Then dealing with a life threatening situation from Lyme disease at age 12 (during his bad months), we decided to act upon some nutritional info. That info was to get his nutritional intake to a minimum of 75-80 nutrients via supplementation. What I came to find out later was that all of the his supplemented nutrients were on the 90 essential nutrient list that came from a manufacture that was listed in the PDR book. When it comes to quality nutrients, Youngevity is number #1 in my book.
You can view Youngevity Healthy Start Packs that contains all 90 Essential Nutrients by Clicking Here