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Avazoo Before and After Boat

Posted by Pete Ade on February 18, 2022 - 1:40pm Edited 3/7 at 10:30pm

It must be your lucky day! Are you ready for a change?

Please join me as we embark together on a once in a lifetime experience, where we can work together to make a real difference in the world!

Welcome to Avazoo, home of The Billion Dollar Raffle
The World’s Greatest Fundraiser for Charitable Causes
First Prize: One Winner! One Check! $1 Billion Dollars (US$1,000,000,000)
Second Prize: 100 Individuals Will Receive $1 Million Dollars (US$1,000,000)

This Century’s Most Amazing Philanthropic Event! A Game Changer that the world has ever seen, offering a true opportunity to become a Billionaire while helping to Raise Money for Hurting Lives and Causes Around the Globe!

Avazoo is changing the way people think about philanthropy by developing a unique, superior technique for donating to charitable organizations around the world!

But first, let me ask you…
Would you make a $20 investment to receive $1 Million dollars?
What about spending $100, to win $1 Billion Dollars?

Of course, you would, it’s just common sense.

Avazoo is not a lottery…it’s a raffle, like a church raffle, where there are guaranteed winners. We have larger prizes and better odds of winning a cash prize than any lottery in the world! We are also the only raffle in the world that donates 70 percent of its proceeds to a worldwide natural disaster relief program(AidFound),multiple worthwhile charitable organizations, and having a substantial and extremely positive impact on humanitarian causes around the world.

Click here now to Claim your FREE $100 VIP Ticket. You could be one of the lucky winners. After claiming you FREE VIP Ticket, please make sure you review the Avazoo FREE Entries video to learn how all players have the opportunity to receive unlimited FREE Entries.

The odds of winning the Grand Prize are better than any other lottery or raffle anywhere in the world. With a guaranteed 1 in 3 odds of winning a cash prize, that means there will be over 16 million winners, and you could be one of the lucky winners.

However, if you do not want to claim the Avazoo FREE $100 VIP ticket, you could purchase straight your Avazoo raffle ticket starting at just $20 per ticket. But before you do, watch the video on Avazoo´s Ticket Entry Level Breakdown for Avazoo's Billion Dollar Raffle. https://youtu.be/i0tNs3r2bq0

This will help you understand the various ticket categories and their benefits, so you choose wisely. Because, you are only allowed to purchase one ticket and once you have purchased your ticket, you cannot change it anymore for that round of the raffle.

Click here now to purchase your Avazoo Raffle Ticket.
Good luck.