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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on March 17, 2015 - 11:03am Edited 3/18 at 3:02pm

 Its time to get on the water

This Last weekend the elements conspired against us and delayed our return to to the water. Due to the ravages of winter storms our normal departure point was filled with mounds of rotting sea grass awaiting for the local council to wake up to the fact that holiday makers are back in town and they need to get the beaches cleaned up.

We decided to launch out boats at Riccos Beach, with plans to run assessment test on the children attending the sailing school, so as to ensure that the pupils were grouped according to their abilities. Last year it was noticeable that some children were slower than others in learning skills and this had a detrimental effect on the groups as a whole.

Sessions over the coming season will be divided between Novices, Intermediate and Advanced sailors, so as to ensure an interesting,safe but challenging learning environment

The wind on Saturday was blowing force 4 and was deemed a little too strong for the first outing of the year especially as we were using a new location. Some theory tests were carried and once these results are combined with practical tests over the coming week, we will have an idea on how many pupils are in each category.

Unlike many sports sailing is dictated by the weather so that each session will generally have a theme or skill to be learnt there is no guarantee what is going to be covered until shortly before the session start.

On Saturdays we expect to run one session for each of the groups with after school sessions during weekdays running on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so that each group completes 2 sessions per week. Tuesday and Thursday being held in reserve.

Yesterday Afternoon we tried once again to run practical assessment tests, however only one pupil manage to complete the course before the wind freshened, so once again only theory tests could be completed.

There is certainly more wind in the new sailing area compared to where we sailed from last year, which benefited from the protection of buildings and trees. The new area has a sandy bottom and is generally clear from rocks. Once the beach is used by swimmers will will probably lose access and need to revert to our former site.

David Ogden
Sailing Master