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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by David Ogden on January 27, 2015 - 9:10am

Winter maintenance is continuing however to call it winter is perhaps a misnomer as its around 16C-17C although a little chilly earning morning and evenings. So what have the children been up to.

The hulls of the Optimists have all had the black sticky tape removed from the corners. The boats had this tape on when we purchased them and it does nothing to protect the corners and served only to hide the damages which will need to be repaired. It was quite a job to clean off and wet and dry sandpaper was used rather than using solvents.
Once the damage has been repaired we will be fitting rubber corner protecting to the bows to prevent re-occurrence. It is good to have the children involved because they can learn by the experience to take more care of the boats and

This last week we had a session on Ropework, most can now tie a reef knot successfully even behind their backs, so we built on this by tieing sheet bends and bowlines and played an imaginary game of climbing a mountain and the need to tie the right knot quickly to keep those behind them safe. We used an end of a Hawser as a starting point with the first person attaching themself with a double sheet bend and a bowline around their waist. I walked down the line undoing any knot wrongly tied and called on another child to attach themself with the correct knot before they fell down the mountain.

We also worked on sheet bends and the fishermans bend.

Monday was spent rigging one sail and laying it down next to the hull and having a nautical version of Simple Simon, I called out a part of the boat or sail and they had to stand alongside it. Once the game was finished the children were given the task of measuring out new mainsheets and were given a coil of rope and a tape measure, first to work out how long a main sheet needed to be and then how many sheets could be made from the coil of rope. It was interesting to observe the different methods adopted by the two teams.

David Ogden
Sailing Master