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Do you want to own Markethive?

Posted by CEO Thomas Prendergast on January 12, 2019 - 11:47am Edited 1/12 at 11:47am

Do you want to own a portion of Markethive?

Seriously, we have built Markethive to be member driven, not investor driven. Investor driven gives the benefits of the system to the venture capitalist and makes the user a commodity. We are focused on the alternate outcome, you having access to the major benefits in both the functions as well as the inevitable success.

We have made this possible by making one of the benefits of the Entrepreneur program an accrual of investments for you to earn back more than 100% of what you pay into it as shares in the revenue of Markethive.

So we have 2 revenue funding options within Markethive. The traditional crowdfunding using an ICO like system called the ILP. Frankly, the ILP is fair, legal and far more effective as it is based on the revenue of a successful company. So an investor can purchase an ILP or many ILPs that are now in phase 2 and selling for $15,000 per and each represents one share at a maximum of 1000 shares of 20% of Markethive’s revenue.

The Entrepreneur program gives you 8 solid advantages above the core of the system, the Inbound Marketing platform and social network.

The 8 points of upgrade

  1. Profile Page turns into lead “associates” capture page

  2. 100% matching bonus from the airdrops via your “associates”

  3. 10% matching bonus from your direct “associates” upgrade

  4. Loyalty Program 12 straight months, we contribute to you a full 10% ILP*

  5. Unlimited Banner advertisement in all of our traffic portals

  6. Equal share from Markethive’s co-op advertising

  7. Traffic Portals seller classification

  8. Receive their own ILP site receive matching ILP shadow shares


*This article is intended to concentrate on point 4, the transfer of revenue to you the small guy and gal. An easy entry to have possession  of what may become one of the best decisions of your life.


So...What if?

Marketo, a vertical Inbound Marketing platform alone (Not a Market Network) recently sold to Adobe for 4.75 billion dollars. Their platform is very similar to Markethives. Marketo delivers the following to their subscribers for a price range between $2k and $25k per month:

  1. Email marketing

  2. Landing pages and forms

  3. Campaign management

  4. Lead nurturing/scoring

  5. Lead lifecycle management

  6. CRM integration

  7. Social marketing capabilities

  8. Marketing analytics.

Markethive, an  Inbound Marketing Market Network offers an integrated Inbound Marketing platform that delivers the following for free and even pays incentives to use:

  1. Email Marketing

  2. Landing Pages

  3. Campaign Management

  4. Lead Nurturing and Scoring

  5. Lead management

  6. Customer management and calendaring actions

  7. Social Marketing subscribing and broadcasting

  8. Advanced tracking and marketing analytics

  9. Building group collaborations

  10. Internal focus groups

  11. Paid to learn tutorials

  12. Paid to build incentives

Like LinkedIn

Markethive also delivers many commerce portals all integrated within the social network and inbound marketing platform. Making the entire platform and profile pages more interactive and comprehensive in tracking, branding and building each subscribers profile superior to LinkedIns system, including but not limited to profiles with Blogs, videos and images but also resumes, endorsements and testimonials as well as social credit scoring, tracking and seo. All setable to private, or member only or public according to each subscribers wishes.


LinkedIn's last published quarterly revenue statement for 2016 showed earnings of 959 million dollars. If Markethive reaches 20% of that target (speculative $191,000,000.00) within 10 years, that will represent a monthly amount per MH ILP share of $63,000 per month per full share and $6,300.00 per month for a 1/10 of an ILP share. For at least 20 years per contract with each contract renewable and transferable.

If you project that number for 20 years the very real and attainable return could be rather incredible at $1,512,000. The is One million Five hundred twelve thousand dollars. And that includes all the other 7 upgraded services.

We are offering this deal of the century to the top active 1000 Markethive Entrepreneur upgrades. For just $100 per month.

Markethive is a commensurable dynamic integrated amalgamation of a social network like (Facebook, LinkedIn) and Inbound Marketing platforms like (Hubspot and Marketo) and commerce portals like (Ebay and Amazon) all in one incentivized, gamified and powerful secure blockchain platform.

Our selling platforms are vertical and we have many of them.

Right now we have 8 commerce type platforms on the list to be built. Here they are with a summary of their services and benefits:

  1. Big Caboodle (http://bigcaboodle.com/)
    A Wix like page builder, were only Entrepreneur upgrades can sell the service and set the price and terms and keep all the revenue via a promo code. Imagine Wix combined with Facebook Groups so collaboration and sharing is integrated. That’s Big Caboodle.

  2. Hive Room (http://hiveroom.com/)
    A web and app based conference room utilizing avatar options, payment transfers (think built in wallets), VOIP call in and call out during room broadcasting, live streaming to web pages, social networks and Smart TV Apps, white boards, web browsers and language translators. Only Entrepreneur upgrades can sell the service and set the price and terms and keep all the revenue.

  3. About Bitcoin (http://aboutbitco.in/)
    A newsletter article site similar to “Cointegram” and “DailyHODL” were the cost to publish an article or Press Release runs from $150 to over $5000 depending on traffic, size of Twitter account, Telegram account and Youtube account. So totally depends on the Entrepreneur Upgrade members assets as well as Markethive’s to set price. Only Entrepreneur upgrades can sell the service and set the price and terms and keep all the revenue.

  4. Beelancers (http://beelancers.com/)
    Anyone can come and buy services from Beelancers (very similar to Freelancers). Only Entrepreneur upgrades can sell. And it is up to the Entrepreneur on how the communications occurs or how and where the transactions are done or what is charged. It is a peer to peer system unlike any of the others.Being part of the Markethive social network, KYC,  transactions and work is validated, graded and publicly displayed.

  5. Hive Broker (http://hivebroker.com/)
    A vertical talent portal for voice talent, video acting, imagineering, animation, copywriting, directing, producing and distribution. RE: Distribution Say you have a Youtube channel with 500,000 subscribers, you could set up an account here, get validated, and make your distribution available for sale. Only Entrepreneur upgrades can sell the service and set the price and terms and keep all the revenue.

  6. Hive Tube (http://www.hive.tube/)
    Markethive’s video channel similar to Youtube. Advertising is only available through 2 channels. Entrepreneurs get exclusive banner ad placement and Entrepreneur upgrades can sell pre video 10 second ads leading into their own channels at their price and terms, peer to peer.

  7. Markethive Exchange (markethive.exchange)
    Markethive’s public exchange will offer top 100 coins of the world and the top 20 paired to the Markethive coin. With the potential Wyoming legislation (Markethive is a Wyoming Corporation) coming, we are very likely to become a financial service offering USDA wired in, wired out and paired to top 10 of our coins for exchange and possibly our own stable coin too. Markethive membership and KYC verification is required to use the exchange. Entrepreneurs can initiate contests with a promo code type system.

  8. Hive Stuff (http://hivestuff.com/)
    A premium fulfilment system, you can set up and choose Markethive premiums, like T-Shirts, Hats, Gold Coins, Hoodys, bumper stickers, etc. to run from your Wordpress or other sites as an incentive to join, etc. Only Entrepreneurs can access this system

$100 gets you all of this and a lot lot more. Exclusive wonderful amazing leads, state of the art inbound marketing tools, ecocentered traffic portals, and Markethive coins that can and most likely will crest to the moon in record time.

We are a Market Network (next generation social network) that is being hailed as the next major unicorn for the next 10 years according to the following news sites:

NFX Alexa Rank:181,144
The Next 10 Years Will Be About "Market Networks"


Techcrunch Alexa Rank: 1,021
From Social Networks To Market Networks

Sharetribe Alexa Rank: 100,760
Why network effects are key to successful marketplace businesses

And we will pay you to learn how to market with this juggernaut...
And we will pay you to promote this juggernaut ...
And we will pay you to use this juggernaut....
And we will hugely return your Entrepreneur upgrade costs in the form of ownership revenue sharing.

Are you on board? Can you see how easily this will be for you to build a business on? Your business? And that is why Markethive is “The Ecosystem for Entrepreneurs”.

Welcome aboard!

Thomas Prendergast
CEO Founder

Mack Shead Jr Owning a portion of Markethive...Priceless
October 12, 2019 at 10:24pm
Louis Harvey I know without a doubt that this is the right decision to make in owning a portion of this company, and all the awesome tools that's provided for the users free of charge here at Markethive. It will be the platform to use for all.
January 27, 2019 at 5:44pm
Louis Harvey The true answer to your question! I sure do want a share of ownership with this ground breaking company. It has so much to offer not too.
January 27, 2019 at 5:20pm
Edited 5/11 at 4:41pm
Cheryl Majeski Markethive is truly a "GIFT" for anyone looking to build an incredible business! With all that is already in place and what is still to come, it would be a major lapse in judgment for anyone not to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. The benefits to be reaped far outweigh the monthly charge to upgrade to Entrepreneur. A "no brainer" for certain!
January 19, 2019 at 10:21am
Tim Moseley Nicely written Tom! Great time to be an entrepreneur in Markethive! I love it!
January 15, 2019 at 12:22pm
Terry Grieve I believe that MarketHive is the best opportunity since BitCoin. A quantum leap of melding Google, Facebook, and Twitter, while insuring freedom of speech. Welcome to the internet of theThird Millennium.
January 14, 2019 at 9:13pm
Venable Dance We now without question, live in a digital world. Even your mainstream Bank/savings Account is digital ( credit, debit cards, bank-transfers and POS purchases ). Encrypting your money & valuables via the Blockchain and the evolution and transition to smart-contracts and crypto-currency for storing and secure assets is happening now. MarketHive gives you the opportunity to participate and share in the growth of this industry by securing your data and having personal control of your private information, all this and more is available on the MarketHive Social, Marketing and Entrepreneur platform. The Entrepreneur level and ILP allow you even greater opportunity from MarketHives growth.
January 13, 2019 at 12:44pm
Edited 1/13 at 12:46pm
YJITSolutions (E.McDonald Lawrence) This is an amazing offer, I am so excited!!!
January 13, 2019 at 11:15am
Tom Murray Yes I will own part of Markethive. It is an exciting time to be part of something that is about to explode on the world stage.
January 12, 2019 at 11:36pm
Deb Williams - Editor Yes I sure do! This is the future of Marketing, Ecommerce and Social Media. It's a "one stop shop".
January 12, 2019 at 7:09pm
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