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Welcome to Markethive

Paidverts International
9 members
Hello everyone, ✅ → This group brings together the English-speaking community of mutual aid, sharing, work, all the news, and improvements to the Paidverts platform. ✅ → The Paidverts International Markethive Group is unofficial as it is not administered by the brand itself. We are not "employed" by Paidverts. We do a volunteer service on this group. We are just business partners of Paidverts. You will make every effort to refer to the official documentation, official videos, ToS, FAQs for each product provided by Paidverts, and you are invited to consult the documentation made available to them on the group. If you need support specific to your account, please send a support ticket (private messages to administrators are unnecessary, we do not have access to your account). You will not forget the elementary politeness formulas. ✅ → Paidverts is an advertising platform via 15 BAP (Bonus Advert Points) groups where ads are to be clicked on every day. - A $ 1 ad pack = 2400 B