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Posted by on April 18, 2016 - 7:38pm Edited 4/18 at 7:38pm

#1 Reason to have home automation is peace of mind!

This is why most people are implementing systems in their homes or offices. The real questions is how do they get peace of mind by using these systems. We have to look at it from the feelings perspective and understand that we do many thing based on feelings and emotions so how we feel and how emotional we are determines our peace of mind. 

Here is a perfect example:

Lets say you are driving down the road and you are feeling pretty good about things and then you all of a sudden think, "Did I close the garage door, or did I turn off the Iron?" If you can't verify whether your did or didn't you become very uncomfortable. You will try to call someone to find out but if you can't one of two things will happen. You will worry about it and it will disrupt the fantastic day you had going or you will turn around and go back home and check. 

What is you could pull up your phone or tablet and check to make sure you have or haven't done it? All of a sudden you now are back to your good feeling and emotional state. I once heard of a couple who was sitting in a nice little restaurant in the South of France and they were showing off their smart home. While showing off they noticed that someone was robbing their home [Incredible as it may seem] and they were watching on video, live. They called their home watch people and the home watch person called the police and in a short time the robbers were caught and the property recovered. 

Peace of Mind is important in this fast paced world we live in but what is as important is making sure you get the right systems. There are many companies selling them but only a few that have the ability to add on to systems at no charge to the customer. Technology is changing so fast that a system can become out dated very fast and as new products come out you will want to add them to your existing systems. 

Most companies will want to charge you to add new devices and there are only a few that won't. One in particular that we represent is JAQX Smart Home and Business Automation w/Security. The system is probably state of the art and has more benefits and features than others but can be upgraded without cost. There is a one time set up fee and a monthly charge [no long term contract] and the products are shipped in advance. 

If you want more information just fill out the information click here and some will give you a call and explain the products to you. 

Thanks for reading,

Dr. Raymond Jewell