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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Kevin Jacobson on February 15, 2015 - 4:47pm Edited 2/15 at 4:51pm

If you’re interested in setting up an inbound marketing campaign, you’ll want to try using various combinations of the following to brand and promote your company and attract and engage prospective clients/customers:

  • Blogs
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • eBooks
  • eNewsletters
  • Social Media  
  • Content Marketing

Becoming a player in today’s marketing game precipitates the need to become familiar with tools that get results from a new breed of consumers and their shopping habits.

If you continue to market your business in the tried and true fashion of days gone by, you’ll be left behind and will quickly fade into the obsolete abyss.

Today’s suite of inbound marketing tactics focus on meaningful consumer engagement.  Successful marketers are solving problems, informing, educating and entertaining audiences.  The more creative and innovative you are in your approach, the more followers you’ll have.

Consumers don’t want to be talked at, they want to be talked to; they want to get to know your company
and what you can offer them.  

Step into your potential consumer’s shoes and answer the following questions:  “What value can your company deliver to me?”  “How can your products  help make my life easier?”  “Don’t just sell me your product -- show me how I can best utilize it.”  The more in tune you are to your customer’s wants and needs, the more chances you have at getting repeat business.

Consider taking the following steps to generate more business and move toward inbound marketing:
Build Relationships with Your Clients and Customers - No one wants to be treated like just another sale on your spreadsheet.  They want your company to treat them like a person.  They want your company to care about them.

Enhance a Consumer’s Buying Experience - What ever your product or service is, find ways to heighten the sale.  Consider giving a small gift, a report, an invitation to join your group or read your blog. 
Action = Reward. 
Add a Personal Touch - Think of ways you can connect with your customers on a more personal level.  If you have their birth day/month and email address, send them an e-card on that day.  In a world that is rapidly becoming impersonal, take the time to do the unexpected.  A birthday wish is a small token of kindness and will be remembered.

Take a Critical Look at Your Website - Ask yourself the following:  is this site easy to navigate for a first time visitor?  Can they quickly and easily find what they’re looking for without becoming frustrated?  If not, invest in revising your site.  You’re losing customers by not doing so.

Use Photos or Videos to Convey Messages - They’re much more interesting to a potential customer than a lot of verbiage.  The old adage, “a picture is worth a thousand words” definitely holds true in today’s time-conscious world.

Take a Serious Look at Where You’re Spending the Bulk of  Your Advertising Dollars - Are you getting the most ROI?  If not, start allocating more funds for social media efforts and consider hiring someone versed in this way of marketing that will help to propel your company forward.

Implementing new inbound marketing tactics will keep you and your company In tune with today’s consumer and bring both new and continued business to your doorstep.