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Important updates of what is going on with Groove

Posted by Kevin Jacobson on August 29, 2021 - 4:21pm Edited 8/31 at 7:30pm

Hi, how ya doing? Kevin Jacobson here.

I just wanted to give you a quick update on what's going on with Groove.

A few very important things are happening right now that have deadlines and you need to be aware of.
I highly recommend that you read this entire blogpost to get all the details in time and don’t miss out!

1) I set up 2 Huge Bonus Packages for both Free Groove and Platinum Groove signups through my team.

2) The Free Groove Lifetime Package benefits are gradually reducing. So, if you don’t have one yet, get one and be grandfathered in at the maximum benefits right away. Plus, you get my huge Free Groove bonus package free.

3) The Groove Platinum Lifetime one-time fee is increasing by $600 at midnight August 31, 2021.
Then it will end completely after Black Friday. Groove Platinum will be $299 a month after that.
Upgrading now, you pay about 4 months and never have to pay again.
Plus, you get my huge Platinum Groove bonus package free.

P.S. These webpages were both built and hosted on Groove using my custom domain and sub-domain.

If you already signed up for Groove through me and want the bonuses then contact me.
All I ask is that you accept my invitation to the Markethive Groove Pro Team Group first.
If your invite is not still active or you can't find it, let me know. We will try to fix that.

Groove is a company kind of like Markethive in some ways.

The CEO, Mike Filsaime, has been in the Internet Marketing and software field since the very early days. He has built many other software and marketing platforms, that were very successful. He sold some of those companies for millions. The Groove project is his baby and is a compilation of all that he has done and learned over the years.

The goal of Groove is to have an all-in-one platform, that has a huge suite of the tools that you need for online marketing. There is some overlap with some of the tools in Groove and what we have in Markethive.
What I have found though, is that they work in different ways. So, my plan is to use both depending on what it is that I'm actually using them for. The functionality and feature vary. So, I may choose one for a certain project and the other for another project. There are many things in Groove that Markethive does not have and vice versa there are many things in Markethive that Groove does not have.

This is an important time for Groove, here at the end of August 2021, because they are coming out of Beta. It's been about a year and a half since the official beta launch. They originally launched with just two apps Groovepages and GrooveSell. The platform has been expanding, adding more apps, and at the same time improving and developing all of the apps on-going.

I am in the process of putting together a membership site on Groove for my Groove Pro Team. This will have many resources, tools, and training to help you with your Groove business, as well as all your other businesses. I have just finished putting together 2 huge bonus packages. One for the Free Groove Accounts and one for the Platinum Groove Upgrades.

I will soon have it set up so that the bonuses are automatically delivered through Groove when people sign up for either the free or platinum package. I am also working on a way to allow people on my team to be able to offer these bonuses as well. I want to also get these bonus packages out to all the people who have already signed up for a groove account through me, retroactive. I need everyone to accept my invite to the Groove Pro Team Group invite on Markethive for that to work. So please do that as soon as you can.

Groove Pro Team

With that in mind, let's talk a little bit about the Groove Platinum Upgrade. There has been a ton of people, many here on Markethive, that have signed up, through me, for the Free Groove account and that's great. And I Thank you. The Groove free account is awesome and there are a lot of benefits to it, but obviously, there are some limitations on a free account. It just makes sense, there has to be. It wouldn't be a sustainable business model if there wasn't.

The Groove Platinum is an upgrade that gives you everything that groove has to offer today and going into the future. It expands out the limitations on all the apps. Most of the apps are expanded out to unlimited. On a few of the apps, like Groovemail and Groovevideo it is just not feasible to do that, because of the ongoing bandwidth costs. These have huge limits that are more than the average business would need. There are booster packs available to expand those out more down the road. When you get to the point in your business that you will need to do that, your business should be making enough money so that additional expense would be pocket change.

In the very near future, the cost for a Groove Platinum is going to be $299 a month. With all that you get with that, it is a tremendous value. If you were to consider all the other software products, that you would need to purchase to do what Groove does all-in-one. it would cost you several thousand dollars per month. This is not even considering that you would still need to figure out how to make them all work together. In Groove, they are all integrated together.

OK, I've saved the best news for last. During the beta launch, over this past year, Groove has been offering a Lifetime Platinum Program for a one-time fee of $1397. That means you get everything in the Groove Platinum program, now and in the future for a one-time fee and never have to make another payment again. The bad news is that that price is coming to an end very soon here in the next few days. Their special beta price will only be available until midnight of August 31st, 2021. At that point, the price will be going up to $1997, a one-time fee for life. Then shortly after Black Friday of 2021, they will be switching to the monthly payment of $299.

Now, I know what you're thinking. $1397 is certainly more than a few bucks. So, I would recommend you take a close look at what you're getting for the Groove Platinum Program. Then decide if you are planning to build your business to a greater level over the next couple of years. Then do the math. $1397 is only about four and a half months of what the monthly fee for Groove would be in the future. Then all those $299 payments going forward, month after month, year after year, will be going right into your pocket because you would not have to make any more payments to Groove.

Compare Groove to Other Comparable Services

Groove Platinum - Lifetime VS Other Comparable Services

Oh yeah, and don't forget that I have sweetened the pot even more. Remember earlier that I had mentioned that I put together a bonus package for both the free group accounts and the platinum group accounts. So be sure and click on the links for the bonus pages and check those out. They’re both awesome, but the Platinum Bonus package is extra incredible. There are ten products on each. On the Platinum Package, several of them are actually cloud-based software products that you will get ongoing access to. These will help you even more with growing your business. I'm also working out a way where you can offer these bonuses to your people so that when you offer people Groove, they will get the bonuses as well.

Groove Pro Team


I will probably only be able to offer this on the first and second levels. Oh yeah, did I mention that when you upgrade the platinum with that you get added to a two-tier affiliate program and your Commission doubles? That means if somebody upgrades to platinum on your first level in Groove, you will receive a 40% Commission. If they are on your second level, you would receive a 10% Commission.

That is pretty massive right now, but also, when Groove goes to recurring monthly charges, your Commission will be recurring month after month as well. Do the math on that. It could easily turn into a sizable additional income source. I'm going to wrap it up here, but I highly suggest you take a very close look at my bonus pages and the Groove Platinum page. It is important that you fully understand the differences between the Free program and the Platinum program. This will enable you to make an intelligent and informed business decision. Plus the Platinum program now has some awesome additional bonuses from Groove Corporate. Check those out on the Groove Platinum page.

Oh yeah, don’t forget to join the Groove Pro Team group on Markethive. I am building a membership site on Groove that will correlate with that. There will be many additional resources coming soon to help you even more with your businesses.

Kevin Jacobson saying to ya: Welcome to the Groove Pro-Team.
I look forward to working with you and celebrating your incredible future success!
We'll see ya, on the inside!

Get Your Free Groove Account Now!


1) The Free Groove Lifetime Package benefits are gradually reducing. So, if you don’t have one yet, get one and be grandfathered in at the maximum benefits right away. Plus, you get my huge Free Groove bonus package free.

2) The Groove Platinum Lifetime one-time fee is increasing by $600 at midnight August 31, 2021.
It will go from a $1397 one-time fee for Lifetime to a $1997 one-time fee for Lifetime!
Then it will end completely after Black Friday. Groove Platinum will be $299 a month after that.
Upgrading now, you pay about 4 months and never have to pay again.
Plus, you get my huge Platinum Groove bonus package free.

iamrrr.com I LIKED IT..
September 30, 2021 at 1:11pm
Bill Bateman I made a lifetime investment in a Groove well over a year ago. I'm a big fan of Mike and his vision for the groove platform. Love to compare notes sometime :-)
September 11, 2021 at 12:08am
Richard Tipsword Thanks for the info Kevin
September 1, 2021 at 1:51pm
Saidu Sesay Really great
September 1, 2021 at 7:10am
James Eckburg thanks for the update Kevin
August 31, 2021 at 11:09pm
August 31, 2021 at 1:54pm
andrei68 Yarushin Good afternoon, Kevin thanks.
August 30, 2021 at 2:17am
Dan Seaman Just upgraded to pro through your link, Kevin
August 29, 2021 at 10:09pm
Bill Rippel Thanks for the update, Kevin.
August 29, 2021 at 8:38pm