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Posted by Jeffrey Sloe on November 03, 2019 - 11:14am

Will 2020 Be the Year of Kinesis?


2019 has been a difficult year for traders of every persuasion. Whilst global stock exchanges have hit record highs, the forex exchanges have not fared so well. The British Pound has suffered over Brexit, the Euro hit 2-year lows as recession fears mount and the US Dollar is at the same level it was in May 2017. The global economic slowdown seems to be in full swing with recessions ahead for the world’s largest economies.

Meanwhile, after enjoying a year of consolidation in 2018, this year has been a volatile rollercoaster for cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin (BTC) seemingly unable to break the $8,000 barrier.

So, what is the answer? Commodities? Gold has seen a steady enough climb from September 2018 $1215 price to be $1510 today. The fragility and volatility of Oil were exposed by the Iranian drone attack on Saudi Arabia’s largest oil processing plant.

Is Kinesis the Solution?

One possible solution that is gaining traction amongst investors is Kinesis. After going live in September, Kinesis currencies appear to be filling a void in investment portfolios.

Based 1:1 on allocated silver and gold, the Kinesis monetary system is designed to bring back precious metals as an everyday currency. Comprising of a blockchain-powered exchange, marketplace and a financial network, Kinesis offers a viable solution to crypto volatility whilst offering the upward stability of precious metals.

Whilst there have been many false dawns in the age of crypto, the fact that the kinesis currencies are tied to actual physical gold and silver, stored cheaply at multiple locations around the world, bodes well for the future of Kinesis. In the world of crypto, stability equals longevity and they don’t come more trusted and stable than precious metals, so often the safe haven for investors for centuries.

The ready-to-use kinesis financial network includes a debit card which is available to use at more than 46 million locations worldwide. The ability to spend your digitalized gold and silver so easily, made possible via the established Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX), makes Kinesis an attractive option for crypto enthusiasts.

Kinesis, 7 years in development and backed by an experienced and knowledgeable team, is making the right kind of waves. Having already secured partnerships with top hardware providers like CoolBitX, Kinesis looks to be an interesting and viable option for investors and crypto enthusiasts. 2020 looks set to become the year of Kinesis.

Original article posted on the DailyInvestNews.com site, by Ben Myers.

Article re-posted on Markethive by Jeffrey Sloe

Mack Shead Jr I agree Jeffrey Kinesis may very well be cream of the crop of 2020
November 6, 2019 at 4:05am