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According to a recent article in Medium by Chris Herd your project almost definitely won’t benefit, even 1%, from choosing to use blockchain.

This is quite a turn-a-round from his article in Nov 2017 titled “Why the Blockchanin Promises a Safer Future and how big Business Will Try to Kill it”http://bit.ly/2TVFXYr

Is this a case of so many people being blinded by the light or their rose coloured glasses have been super glued to their faces or does Chris really know more than most. 

According to Chris , "You’re not using it for anything innovative that a centralized Oracle database couldn’t do twenty years ago. That’s what the posturing blockchain influencers and engineers looking to make a quick buck fail to share. They’re doing absolutely nothing which is new or innovative.

What you’re doing is building a vanity project which strokes your own ego.You’re not using blockchain technology because you have to, you’re using it because you want to and think that it will impress other people. That’s sad."

Is Chris correct in his thinking or is he just playing devils advocate to stir up reactions?

What do you think? Do you have a countering argument? 

Read the full article here: http://bit.ly/2HEyzdA


Gerald Roberts I think he's just trying to stir up conversation, It's the future once all the details are Ironed out, lots of companies and consumers alike are going to benefit from the new state of the art technology.
March 24, 2019 at 9:42pm