"...Human growth hormone is the first substance that has been clinically shown actually to reverse the effects of aging." p. XIV
"...It is our contention that aging is, in large part, a pituitary deficiency disease." p. 7
"...But insufficient growth hormone as a result of aging effects Every Single One Of Us." p. 7
" Incredible though it may seem, the slow decline in appearance and function that we call aging may not be fixed in our genes or part of human destiny." p. 6
"In fact, as the elderly men in the Rudman’s experiment and the women we met in Cancun have shown, aging not only can be arrested but can actually be reversed. What we now call aging appears to be due in large part to the drastic decline of growth hormone in the body after adulthood." p. 6
"At age twenty-one, the normal level of circulating HGH is about 10 milligrams per deciliter of blood, while at age sixty-one it is 2 milligrams per deciliter ----a decrease of 80 percent!" p. 6
"It is growth hormone that grows the cells, bones, muscles, and organs of young children, and it is the falling levels of growth hormone after age thirty that slowly rob us of our youth." p. 6
"HGH is the ultimate anti-aging therepy. It affects almost every cell in the body, rejuvenating the skin and bones, regenerating the heart, liver, lungs, and kidneys, bringing organ and tissue function back to youthful levels." p. 8
"It is an anti-disease medicine that revitalizes the immune system, lowers the risk factors for heart attack and stroke, improves oxygen uptake in emphysema patients, and prevents osteoporosis." p. 8
"It is the most effective anti-obesity drug ever discovered, revving up the metabolism to youthful levels, resculpting the body by selectively reducing the fat in the waist, abdomen, hips, and thighs, and at the same time increasing muscle mass." p. 8
"It may be the most powerful aphrodisiac ever discovered, reviving flagging sexuality and potency in older men." p. 8
"It is cosmetic surgery in a bottle, soothing out facial wrinkles; restoring the elasticity, thicknes, and contours of youthful skin; reversing the loss of extracellular water that makes old people look like dried-up prunes." p. 8
"It has healing powers that close ulcerated wounds and regrow burned skin." p. 8
"It is the secret ingredient in age-defying bodies of weight lifters and it enhances exercise performance, allowing you to do higher-intensity workouts of longer duration." p. 8
"It reverses the insomnia of later life, restoring the "slow wave" or deepest level of sleep." p. 8
"And it is a mood elevator, lifting the spirits along with the body, bringing back a zest for life that many people thought was lost forever." p. 8
"The latest research included in this book shows that it holds promise for the treatment of that most intractable and terrifying disease of aging ---- Alzheimer’s." p.8
This September I will have been working in the network marketing Industry for 46 years. I started this journey in 1972 when I was only 22 years of age. In all of my years promoting and using new products on myself, NEVER have I come across a product that has such a HUGE track record, nor a company that has the EXCLUSIVITY on the market it was a part of.
* We have a 26 year old company with a 14 year old product that was marketed only in stores in California, and NEVER in the Networkmarketing space.
* We have a product that has a High 90's % retention rate. People just don't want to be without this stuff.
* We have the ONLY REAL transdermal over the counter HGH Gel on the Planet, that is FDA Registered with it's own (NDC) National Drug Code Number, and it's Homeopathic.
* It is ONE product that acts like 50 products when it gets into your body.
* It's Completely Safe and any human over 18 can use it.
This is a product that will break ALL records. And we are still in pre-launch. I have been waiting all of my networkmarketing life for a product like this. Come join us! For only $59 you can reserve your spot. Then choose your package, and there are two, (1) $199, and (2) $499. Packages won't be charged till delivery in late august. This company is making History! Your friends are gonna hear about this revolutionary product. Wouldn't you want them to hear about it from you? Get back with the person who shared this post with you. And if it was me, reach out to me. Let's make History, and let's improve our Health!
Thank you for taking the time to view this document, and feel free to share it with your friends.
L Basheer (LB) Hasan * (515) 991-3999 * itsmytime19@gmail.com * http://www.getonthegel.com