* Improved Stamina * Increased Energy * Deeper Sleep * Vivid Dreams * Muscle Definition * Heightened Libido * Healthier Skin * * Increased Strength * Weight Loss * Improved Vision * Enhanced Focus * Hair Growth * Enhanced Muscle Mass * PMS Symptoms Reduced * Greater Flexibility * Healthier Nails * Improved Joint Mobility * Increase In Sexual Desire *Alleviation In Some Menopausal Symptoms *
These are just a few of the not only heightened, but also more consistent benefits people are experiencing with...
...the ONLY transdermal FDA Registered Human Growth Hormone (HGH) product available without a prescription. The molecular breakdown of HGH Gel is a synthetic USP human growth hormone (somatropin). HGH Gel is a homeopathic form of growth hormone and is 100% safe and effective for men and women over the age of 18.
Growing old is a fact of life, and it’s inevitable. Our bones become brittle, skin starts to wrinkle, muscles get weaker, and energy plummets. These are the typical signs of aging. But, why do we age? The average life expectancy in the US is only 77 years of age. Can we do better?
Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a single-chain peptide hormone produced from the pituitary gland, the master gland in the body. This is the hormone that helps you grow throughout childhood, hence the word “growth”. Around the age of 20 HGH is at it’s peak, and then plummets around the age of 25. This is when the dreadful aging process begins, as this hormone slowly declines for the rest of your life.
But don’t worry, growing isn’t the only thing HGH is good for. Many experts say that elevating growth hormone when you are older can bring back your levels to when you were in your 20’s. Most people experience these anti-aging benefits in as little as two weeks. Some expected benefits include:
• Better mood • Healthier hair, skin, & nails • Promotes hair growth • Increased joint mobility • Enhanced libido * Fat loss (especially around the mid-section) • Greater muscle tone • Increase in strength • Improved memory • Increased bone density
To quickly answer this question, HGH is not considered to be dangerous. Amidst all the benefits of HGH, there are some stigmas that still exist, and the media has portrayed this hormone in a negative light. Where HGH replacement therapy can become dangerous lies within self administering the hormone without any supervision, with incorrect dosing, and improper guidance.
Although HGH has been looked at as the “miracle drug” or the “Fountain of Youth”, it should never be the replacement for a healthy lifestyle. Any medical professional will recommend a combination of a healthy diet and exercise, in order achieve the most results from HGH. Those who do not exercise, for example, will still achieve fat loss, but will do so at a much slower rate than someone who combined the hormone with consistent exercise.
Since we produce less of the hormone as we age, synthetic versions of the HGH are now available, but come at a pretty penny. Typical Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can cost upwards of $7,000 per month. Not only is this HGH expensive, it is also very time consuming and invasive. This is where SOMADERM™ Gel comes in.
• Decreased strength and stamina • Low energy • Decreased muscle mass • Weight gain, especially around the midsection • Feeling of depression, anxiety and sadness • Thin and dry skin • Decrease in sexual function and interest • Reduction in bone density • Fatigue • Greater sensitivity to cold and heat
• Aging adult • Lack of sleep • Severe head injury • Pituitary tumor • Infection * Brain surgery • Hormone problems related to the hypothalamus gland or pituitary gland • Poor blood supply to the pituitary gland • Radiation treatments to the brain
New U Life’s SOMADERM Gel is the ONLY transdermal, FDA registered human growth hormone (HGH) product available without a prescription. The molecular breakdown of HGH found in SOMADERM Gel is a synthetic USP human growth hormone (somatropin). SOMADERM Gel is a homeopathic form of growth hormone and is 100% safe and effective for men and women over the age of 18. In order for SOMADERM Gel to be an FDA registered product, Somatropin needed to be diluted to a 30X dose. Any less of a dilution would make SOMADERM Gel a “prescription only” product. Glandula Suprarenalis Suis 6X is added to support proper adrenal function and Thyroidinum 8X is added to support a healthy thyroid. Since SOMADERM Gel is applied topically, within 5-10 minutes the gel is quickly absorbed in the bloodstream. Taking human growth hormone orally is shown to be ineffective as it is easily destroyed by the enzymes in our saliva and our gut, rendering these products ineffective. This makes SOMADERM Gel superior to any other growth hormone supplement on the market.
This September I will have been working in the network marketing Industry for 46 years. I started this journey in 1972 when I was only 22 years of age. In all of my years promoting and using new products on myself, NEVER have I come across a product that has such a HUGE track record, nor a company that has the EXCLUSIVITY on the market it was a part of.
* It’s a product that’s been on the market 14 years. 7 of those years it’s had an NDC# and has been FDA registered.
* It was marketed only in stores in California, and NEVER in the Networkmarketing space.
* We have a product that has a High 90's % retention rate. People just don't want to be without this stuff.
* We have the ONLY REAL transdermal over the counter HGH Gel on the Planet, that is FDA Registered with it's own (NDC) National Drug Code Number, and it's Homeopathic.
* It is ONE product that acts like 50 products when it gets into your body.
* It's Completely Safe and any human over 18 can use it.
This is a product that will break ALL records. And we are still in pre-launch. I have been waiting all of my network marketing life for a product like this. Come join us! For only $59 you can reserve your spot. Then choose your package, and there are two, (1) $199, and (2) $499. Packages won't be charged till late. This company is making History! Your friends are gonna hear about this revolutionary product. Wouldn't you want them to hear about it from you? Get back with the person who shared this post with you. And if it was me, then reach out to me! Let's make History!
Thank you for taking the time to view this document, and feel free to share it with your friends.
L Basheer (LB) Hasan * (515)991-3999 * itsmytime19@gmail.com * http://www.getonthegel.com
P.S. If you are wanting to know who is the Visionary behind this LifeChanging Product Below is an interview with him.