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Posted by L.B. Hasan on May 25, 2019 - 4:14pm Edited 5/25 at 7:48pm



The Gold Imperium: What Does It Mean To You?



The Gold Imperium

The mission of KaratGold project is to create and develop a global infrastructure that will become a bridge between conventional and blockchain-based financial systems.

Nowadays, the foundation of the future global structure that will evolve into the stabilizing center of the world economy is being actively laid. The whole ecosystem is built around KaratGold Coin making it the center of the future economy built on blockchain technology.

Karat’s Gold Imperium is currently based on the following projects:

  • KaratBars GmbH
  • KaratGold Coin
  • KaratPay System
  • KaratCoin Bank
  • KaratBit Exchange



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Do You REALLY Want To Miss Your Chance To Own A Piece Of The ONLY Global GOLD Blockchain Payment System In The World?


  1. Do you want to be part of something Great that has never been done before? 
  2. Would you like to position yourself to leave a legacy that your great-grandchildren can benefit from? 
  3. Would you like to help bring about a payment system that will benefit all the people of this world?

Well, come join Dr. h.c. Harald Seiz and us to bring this payment system into being that is coming with or without your help,  and secure your money in a real asset, GOLD.

You may have missed being one of the early participants in Bitcoin, but that doesn't have to be the case today with The Karatbars Ecosystem.  Our goal is very ambitious.  We want to become the central bank for the whole world. With a uniquely stable coin.  Real Gold Backed.  And on a blockchain basis.  Each coin represents a certain weight of gold.  Bank Independence, Cost Efficient, Predictable Value, and Crisis-Proof

Become a part of something GREAT!  Create a legacy for your great grandchildren.  So let's get started today.  If you are a member, or if you are not a member, get in here and let's get busy!  Get as many of the KCB coins as you can, and if you are really ambitious, get you a Masternoid.  There will be only 1000 Masternodes and only 100 Full- nodes, and you have time to earn one of them.  Everyone should want to be a part of this.  And everyone who you invite that joins earns you many bonus coins. This can be a BIG win/win for you, my friend!

So get back to the person who shared this message with you, and tell them you are ready to get started.  And if it was me, get started by Clicking Here

Choose the best Profit Package you can afford. And call, email or text me with your questions.  I intend to help everyone who has the desire to achieve their Master mode seat. Now Let's Get BUSY!

To your success,

L Basheer (LB) Hasan  * VIP Exclusive Gold Manager Affiliate * Karatbars International  * +1 515 991 3999 * http://savingoldnow.com