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The Yellow T-shirt and the Power of Visualization

Posted by Laura ashley on February 28, 2021 - 4:11am

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Proctor Gallagher Institute

The Yellow T-shirt and the Power of Visualization

The Yellow T-shirt and the Power of VisualizationOne day in 2004 on a detox in Scotland I began to understand the power that we possess in our marvelous minds.


At the time I was 33 and my body was so stiff with a Rheumatic condition that for the previous 18 months I could barely walk or get up out of a chair, I was in so much pain that at times I had been suicidal.

Brian Miller, an early mentor of mine was with me that day in Scotland and he kept challenging me to get up out of a chair, to stand up. He was raising his voice and pushing me, pushing me to get up, get up, get up, but I was in agony and struggling. Brian relented and asked me to stop trying and to stay sitting where I was.

He asked me to close my eyes and then to imagine myself getting up out of the chair, just imagine it, being completely pain-free, walking normally, feeling fit, strong, happy, smiling and enjoying life.

I sat there for a while at first struggling to clear my mind, but I managed to focus and eventually do it. Once I had that clear image of myself in my mind, Brian asked me to begin to physically push myself up out of the chair. Slowly I did it and stood there in front of him, my body still shaking and very weak.

As I stood there Brian asked me one very simple question: “What are you wearing? In your imagination when you are fit, strong and healthy, what are you wearing?” I answered, “A yellow t-shirt.” Brian smiled. He knew he had anchored me to something, however at the time I didn’t think much of it. A quote I’ve heard since is “the imagination is the greatest nation on earth”.

Fast forward to April 2009, I had embarked on a 5-year process of detoxing myself fully, putting no alcohol or any other toxins in my body, I was leaving the past DJ life behind me and was cleaning up my thoughts, feelings and actions to live a better life.

A friend asked me, “would you like to run the London Marathon with me?” I trained for four months, going from unable to walk, to running a marathon within a twelve-month period! Training was tough but I knew everything I wanted and needed was waiting for me when I crossed the finish line that warm spring day.

Here’s the thing though, a few days later I received the official picture of me happily holding my medal standing at the end of the 2009 London Marathon, I was smiling, looking fit, strong, healthy, and wearing a bright yellow t-shirt.

There it was, right in front of my eyes. My visualization from a few years earlier whilst in real pain and inner turmoil, and it had actually come true!

I had found inner peace running the London Marathon, the deep breathing, the almost meditation like state of the training, the joy and love and support, the giving to charity.

All I could think was “Wow, this stuff really does work. Amazing.”

I rang Brian immediately to share my revelation with him. A man of few words, he simply said, “Now you know it works.”

Mark Wilkinson

Mark Wilkinson is a multiple business owner, coach, speaker and as of this week, a published author of Life Remixed. Originally music was Mark’s life and full-time occupation, as an International house music DJ and record producer. He was resident DJ at the world-famous Ministry of Sound in London, played music in 65 different countries and achieved a UK Top 10 hit!

Mark Wilkinson’s debut book: Life Remixed™ (endorsed by New York Times bestsellers and stars of The Secret; Bob Proctor and Marci Shimoff) tells the story of his roller coaster life as a DJ, how he lost everything and how he remixed his life back to happiness, health and wealth. For more information visit: www.markwilkinsonofficial.com

Corneliu Boghian interesting article
February 28, 2021 at 11:28am