In today's digital connected economy, buyers are researching, shopping, learning and comparing vendors all before talking to a sales person. Some Reports say 70% of the process happens before sales are engaged.
That means that every B2B company needs a strong Inbound Marketing program as the foundation for their lead generation. It takes time and consistent effort, but without it, your website is nothing but an online brochure that no one will read because they don't know it's there.Inbound Marketing is the sum of several parts created to help your target market:Finding you online (combining SEO, keyword, link building, and social media participation).Connect with you online (driving people to your website where they find compelling content).Convert (fill out a Call to Action on a landing page so you now have their contact information and permission to communicate with them on an on-going basis).Engage (continue to visit your site, download additional content and offers, comment and respond to blog and Twitter posts, and in so doing, demonstrate their Sales Readiness ).The real goal is the bottom line.Marketing Automation as a platform for Inbound Marketing.To effectively manage, and measure your Inbound Marketing, you need to use a marketing automation platform that integrates with your website Content Management System.
Content Creation and Social Neural Networking plays a big part in viral marketing.Along with Inbound Marketing comes both the need for content creation and social media engagement. We highly recommend a social media plan that includes a blog, LinkedIn and Twitter to {search and connect|connect and search} with prospects and continue the conversation with current clients. (MarketHive have developed a Website to be a good investment for B2B clients, so they have a markets where it can definitely contribute to the needs of businesses, and entrepreneurs)Along with Inbound Marketing comes both the need for content creation and social media engagement. We highly recommend a social media plan that includes a blog, LinkedIn and Twitter to (search and connect|connect and search
with prospects and continue the conversation with current clients. (MarketHive have developed a Website to be a good investment for B2B clients, so that they have a markets where it can definitely contribute to the needs of businesses, and entrepreneurs).
Louis Harvey