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China launches official cryptocurrency

Posted by Heiko Closhen on August 30, 2021 - 7:23pm Edited 8/31 at 8:15am

China launches official cryptocurrency:
World Bank and governments are appalled

What was feared by the world's big banks and governments has come to pass. China has taken an unprecedented step towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology by releasing an official coin

The Chinese government has announced that they are favouring a company to buy and market their new Coin - YuanPay Group.

The sale of the Chinese Coin has officially started and currently these Coins can only be purchased from YuanPay Group at the price listed on their official website. And another piece of good news - Germany is one of the first countries where the sale has started today.

Chinese Finance Minister Liu Kun announced that the starting price of the coin will be only EUR 0.01!

Our editor checked the information and said that as of today, about 13,000 official coins can be purchased for EUR 250.

See more details here:  https://markethive.com/group/germany

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Charles Phillips Yes, Caleb, I believe that China's anticipated success with digital currency wiil lead to other countries creating their own coins. However, I wonder whether China's coin is a true cryptocurrency, or merely a new digital currency.
August 31, 2021 at 6:42am
Caleb Mpamei This is what has been anticipated that China will ultimately do. I am surprised that China has moved very swiftly. It will be interesting to watch this space.
August 30, 2021 at 8:45pm