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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Heiko Closhen on February 08, 2019 - 11:48am Edited 2/8 at 11:50am

Hashing ad space

Simplify the way you advertise and earn
We sell advertising space on our site
We pay members to watch the ads

Register for free here: http://hive.pe/ES

The action of watching ads on Hashing Ad Space creates new Asimi tokens.
This is called "minting" Asimi.
New Asimi tokens are minted every 24 hours and then distributed equally amongst all the ads minted in that 24-hour period.
When you watch the ads, you are minting new Asimi. These new Asimi tokens are yours to keep.         

A minter is an individual person who “Mints” Asimi tokens with their time and effort of watching ads on the Hashing Ad Space advertising network. You earn a “minting credit” by watching an advertisement for the full countdown timer of 7 seconds. A minters qualification level determines the minimum and maximum minting allowed within a 24-hour period.


Minters receive a newly minted Asimi tokens based on their ad views. The more ads you mint, the more you are rewarded.
Asimi is the utility token designed specifically to be minted on the Hashing Ad Space network. It is freely traded on the Waves DEX exchange where token holders can easily Buy, Sell or Trade Asimi for other Crypto and Fiat currencies, as well as use it to purchase products on our site. You can read about Asimi here.