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Welcome to Markethive

Posted by Heiko Closhen on March 04, 2015 - 5:33pm Edited 7/28 at 6:55pm
Here's some steps I suggest to get started with writing an eBook:

1. Choose a niche to write in. The biggest money makers are:

- How to make money
- Relationships (romantic or platonic)
- Health
- pets

2. Choose a specific niche within that. E.g. you might want to teach men how they can impress girls and get a date.

3. You don't need to be an expert in an area to teach it - expert status is just one way of showing that what you teach works. It does help to choose a niche and topic that you have some experience/results in an area though - why make it harder for yourself.

4. Do a search on Amazon for books related to your choosen topic.

5. Look at and buy the best selling books on that topic. Study their blurb on Amazon and take notes on the language they use to sell their book.

6. Read and note down their negative reviews and positive reviews. You'll use the negative reviews to help create an angle for your book.

7. Write a short report on your topic. (3-5K words)

8. Create an additional "Thermal" piece of content that people can download related to the topic you are writing about.

9. Buy a domain name and set up a landing page with an email signup box. When people enter their email address they will be subscribed to your list and will receive the bonus content.
Alternative with Markethive: Set up a landing page with an autoresponder you created in "Leads". When people enter their email address they will be subscribed to your list and will receive the bonus content from a group or a forum you  have created in "Groups" or in "Forums" with access only for members. You have not to buy a domain. All tools are ready within Markethive.

10. Link to that webpage at the back of your report and tell them what they will get for signing up (that Thermal content you created).

11. Load report onto Amazon. Price it at $0.99

12. Use Amazon free tools to promote book.

13. You'll have a percentage of people who buy your book who will sign up to your email list and voila you now have a list of people who have already spent money with you (gold dust for any business)

14. Sell those people more expensive and in-depth products based on what they have already bought from you.

This is largely cost free with Markethive (without Markethive you have the cost of hosting, domain name and auto-responder).

It seems overwhelming and you don't know how to do all of those steps yet but just get started and you'll work it out. as you go along. That's how 99% of successful people do it.
Visit also my forum to read more:   http://erfolgmitsenos.de/forum/