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Unconditional basic income (UBI)

Posted by Heiko Closhen on November 29, 2021 - 5:11pm Edited 11/29 at 5:44pm

Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

Mein Grundeinkommen  ==>  Unconditional Basic Income (UBI)

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Universal basic income: An option for Europe?

Views on a guaranteed basic income vary drastically across Europe — some see it as a springboard, while others call it a hammock. Now, an EU citizens' initiative is urging the European Commission to take up the issue.

What if people no longer had to worry about their income? Marwa Fatafta has often asked herself that question. "So much anxiety and stress would simply vanish," said Fatafta, who came to Germany as a Palestinian migrant and made a life for herself in Berlin.

"To me, it was clear quite early on that freedom also means being financially independent," Fatafta told DW. At first, she had hoped to live from her art, but when she realized it would not give her a regular income she gave up that dream. Today, Fatafta works for Access Now, an organization that promotes digital personal rights.

Fatafta is one of about 2 million people in Germany who has applied to the Basic Income Pilot Project. Starting next spring, 122 of the applicants will receive €1,200 ($1,422) per month for three years. No strings attached.

The study initiated by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) and My Basic Income, a Berlin-based nonprofit, hopes to determine the effects of an unconditional universal basic income (UBI) on society.

Read more: Money for nothing: Germany starts basic income experiment

Source:  https://www.dw.com/en/universal-basic-income-an-option-for-europe/a-55711679

Frequently Asked Questions

What is "Mein Grundeinkommen"?

"Mein Grundeinkommen" is a Berlin based non-profit organisation that crowdfunds and raffles off annual unconditional basic incomes (UBI) of €1,000 per month. We started giving away UBIs six years ago. As of today, more than 650 UBIs have been granted. More than 1.7 million people have signed up to be able to participate in our raffles. More than 130,000 people contribute monthly to keep us going. 

What is "Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen"?

"Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen" is the largest independent academic research project into the effects of UBI in Germany. Starting in August 2020, our renowned academic research partners will select 1,500 participants in total for this ground-breaking study. 120 participants in the treatment group will receive 1,200 € per month for a total of three years. The study is the first one to be entirely financed by private crowdfunding - it does not rely on state funding.  

Why are we doing this?

Unconditional basic income is not a static concept, but one that needs to be experienced and discussed. We are interested in finding out what happens if we, as a society, have the financial resources to focus on our life-goals rather than on existential needs. We would like to encourage people to trust each other more and indulge in more self-determination. We are taking the basic income discussion beyond academia and into our everyday experience.

Can I participate in the project?

Yes, please! We encourage people from all over the world to take part in our regular raffles at “Mein Grundeinkommen” and support our project. Please use online tools like Google Translate to read our website in your preferred language.

Participation in our “Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen” academic study is limited to people with a registered home address within Germany.

How can I participate in the raffle?

In order to participate in the raffle, the following steps are necessary:

1. Register on our website by clicking "Anmelden" (meaning to set up an account) on our homepage and entering your e-mail address and a nickname (if you win, this will be the name popularly highlighted on our website).

2. Once we announce a new raffle on our website and via our newsletter, you have to log into your profile and confirm your participation in the raffle.

3. After your confirmation was successful you will find your personal batch number in your profile.

4. You can find out whether you won by watching our livestream on the day of the raffle. If you won, we will inform you via email shortly after.

Anyone is eligible to participate in the raffle. However, in order to register, you must be over 14 years old. Younger children can participate via their parent’s account. They will receive their own batch number for the raffle.

How can I support the project?

There are many ways to support us. If you wish to donate to our project, please use the PayPal link or the bank transfer details in the footer of this page.

Our aim is to spur the global discussion and motivate you to talk about UBI with as many people as possible. You can support us by asking your family and friends: What would you do if you received an unconditional basic income? We promise, you will get the most inspiring and interesting answers.

You can also engage by interacting on “Mein Grundeinkommen” social media channels as linked in the footer of this page. For our “Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen” study, please find all social media links in the footer of this page.

Can I report about "Mein Grundeinkommen" on the media?

You're very welcome to write articles about us, shoot movies, interview us or produce podcasts. We welcome journalists and TV teams to our office at any time. To get in touch about our regular raffles, please contact presse@mein-grundeinkommen.de. If you want to learn more about the “Pilotprojekt Grundeinkommen” study, please contact presse@pilotprojekt-grundeinkommen.de.

I want to start a similar project in my own country. Where can I get help?

We want to pass on our knowledge about how to implement similar projects all over the world. If you are thinking about launching a crowdfunding project like ours in your country, we are happy to support you. Don't hesitate to write an email to support@mein-grundeinkommen.de.

What is an "unconditional basic income"?

In our raffles we define basic income as an amount of 1,000 € per month. Each person who wins, receives a monthly transfer directly to their bank account for the duration of one year, receiving 12,000 € in total.

"Unconditional" means that every human being can win, regardless of their age, gender, nationality or income. A donation to "Mein Grundeinkommen" is not prerequisite for participating in the raffle. The winners are free to use the money without any expectations from our side.

If you have any general questions about "Mein Grundeinkommen", don't hesitate to write an e-mail to support@mein-grundeinkommen.de.



Register here: www.meinbge.de/fuer-dich/e64b7dae777c60172cf7

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Heiko Closhen Its amazing to see the number of people looking for an alternative source of income. Wunderbar...
November 30, 2021 at 4:41pm
Heiko Closhen Hallo Bill At the moment it is a public experiment to consolidate the concept. In combination with the crowdfunding done in a parallel project the project "Mein Grundeinkommen" can run a long time. If you are interested you can run a similar project in your country or in your state with the help of the project managers. They want to pass on their knowledge about how to implement similar projects all over the world. If you are thinking about launching a crowdfunding project like ours in your country, we are happy to support you. Don't hesitate to write an email to support@mein-grundeinkommen.de. The concept could also be incorporated into Markethive
November 30, 2021 at 4:40pm
Edited 11/30 at 4:43pm
Bill Rippel That’s pretty interesting, but not sure if it will work in the long run.
November 29, 2021 at 8:02pm