Markethive Banner Impressions exchange
Buy Markethive Banner Impressions at a fair Price . Markethive has a 5000 Alexa Ranking at the time of writing and 65 Million page views per month .
You can Buy Markethive Banner impressions only from Markethive Entrepreneur One Members .
Currently Markethive Banner Impressions can be purchased with Paypal , BTC , Ethereum , payoneer and MHV Coins , in the future more payment systems will be added .
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Connect with entrepreneurs, techies, cryptonerds, artists, innovators, musicians and professional members both subscribers and traffic
Get first-mover advantage by advertising your product or service on Markethive and Markethive subsidaries.
The average user comes to Markethive to learn how to build an Inbound Marketing campaign, promote their services, connect with other members and discover services to purchase.
Markethive provides a valuable inbound marketing platform, commerce portals and a social network where users can learn, engage, expand markets and be introduced to trusted providers.
Markethive provides education, mentoring, direction, and professional services.
Monthly Unique Visitors
Monthly Pageviews
Social Followers
Promote your brand to sophisticated members and curious visitors

BUY Markethive Banner Impressions Now ! CLICK HERE
The Markethive Member Blog Shares
Using automated subscribing members promoting other members blogs to the many social networks.
Shares - Last 30 Days - All Blogs

The Markethive Visitor Preferred Language
User distribution by preferred language

The Markethive Visitor Preferred Device
User distribution by preferred devices

Markethive has powerful traffic engines that are growing valuable entreprenuerial vertical audiences.

Where to reach our audiences
Connect with passionate users across our network. Introduce your offer to users passionate about crypto. Recruit our very entrepreneurial traffic into your affiliate programs. Our banner program delivers a large 960 x 80 banner at the top of all pages
Markethive’s innovation has just delivered the BIX.
We live in a time of disruption, some innovation, some natural and some political. Markethive is an agent of change and disruption and many refer to Markethive as a Next Generation multi social Saas commerce and media platform.
Markethive has developed 2 significant engines driving the platform into world prominence, those engines being traffic and subscribers. The 3rd engine Markethive is bringing to the market is advertising as a non-fungible token built into an exchange. This system delivers to the media buyer a transparent value for their impressions in an exchange type environment. This insures open market principles, allowing the media buyer to buy impressions from the exchange similar to buying coins in a coin exchange. The market sets the price.
What does that mean?This means the CPM you pay is based on the market setting the price based on demand, effectiveness and availability. In other words, you will only pay what the market will bear and that assures you are getting the price determined on the value that represents how effective the traffic is.
Traffic impressions are like electricity, in that they cannot be stored, they are only effective at the moment as is electricity. As electricity the rate or cost is determined by the utility at a set rate, as is the case across the world or as is now that case the price is determined in the exchange based on supply and demand, making its value determined by the demand and effectiveness.
This also means third party sites can join the Markethive BIX exchange to put their impressions up for sale based on the same principle of supply and demand and the free market driving the value accordingly. Welcome to the BIX by Markethive.
BUY Markethive Banner Impressions Now ! CLICK HERE