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Make Money Online with Professional Sites

Posted by Mashell Chapeyama on November 12, 2020 - 2:57pm

I want to start off with a situation I faced with on one telegram group. I posted an article about how to get $1 000 per month, by writing articles, promoting a few sites such as SFI, MLM Gateway, Markethive, Wealthy Affiliate and IboSocial.

Unfortunately, the group administrator never believed what I had written that one can earn $1 000 per month through affiliate marketing, promoting three to four platforms.

You know what he did. He wrote that I was fooling and cheating people and he banned me from posting any other articles. I understood him, he is backward in his thinking because he does not believe that it’s possible to earn $1 000 per month.

You may want to understand the contents of my article. Well. It was an advertisement post.

Here is the advert I posted: “Do you know that as a writer you can earn more than $1 000 per month, by promoting two to three affiliate programs. You can spend most of your time writing articles. Some of the platform you can advertise are MLM Gateway, SFI, Wealthy Affiliate, Markethive and IboSocial.”

This is the advert that let me be booted out of telegram chat group. My question is, is this impractical, as he thought. Let me explain each of these companies and how they link up, enabling one to earn $1 000 plus per month. This $1 000 per month is not automatic, you have to work for it.

SFI: This is the company at the centre of the equation. Why? Because this company has more than 100 000 products which an individual can market. If you recruit say, 10 people to join this company you definitely start to earn. You are paid 50% commission. This is the best commission you can think of. Getting half of the price of a good or service as a commission.

At the end of the month, you get paid a group bonus, depending on the points you get through the month. You also get rewards through competitions, if you win the challenges or draws. For your own information, there is a daily draw. I have never passed a month without winning something.

At SFI, you have free tools such as banners to promote your business. You also get free training from your mentors. You learn how to market your business.

Wealthy Affiliate: There is something wonderful and important about Wealthy Affiliate. Here you learn the art of website development and article writing. For a successful affiliate marketer, a good website and articles are the best tools. So you need them. You learn how to use them at Wealthy Affiliate. Of course, you may learn these somewhere else.

The good thing is that, you also earn at Wealthy Affiliate from inviting others to join it.

Markethive, MLM Gateway and IboSocial: These are all free sites to advertise your business. So, at these sites you advertise your SFI or Wealthy Affiliate Business. At these sites, there are many people who are searching for suitable online businesses. All you need to do is to write and post your articles there.

Therefore, if you are a writer you can earn quite good through advertising businesses such as SFI, Amazon, Clickbank and others.

If you want to know why I am so particular about SFI, read this article. MYSFI



Make Money Online with Professional Sites


I want to start off with a situation I faced with on one telegram group. I posted an article about how to get $1 000 per month, by writing articles, promoting a few sites such as SFI, MLM Gateway, Markethive, Wealthy Affiliate and IboSocial.

Unfortunately, the group administrator never believed what I had written that one can earn $1 000 per month through affiliate marketing, promoting three to four platforms.

You know what he did. He wrote that I was fooling and cheating people and he banned me from posting any other articles. I understood him, he is backward in his thinking because he does not believe that it’s possible to earn $1 000 per month.

You may want to understand the contents of my article. Well. It was an advertisement post.

Here is the advert I posted: “Do you know that as a writer you can earn more than $1 000 per month, by promoting two to three affiliate programs. You can spend most of your time writing articles. Some of the platform you can advertise are MLM Gateway, SFI, Wealthy Affiliate, Markethive and IboSocial.”

This is the advert that let me be booted out of telegram chat group. My question is, is this impractical, as he thought. Let me explain each of these companies and how they link up, enabling one to earn $1 000 plus per month. This $1 000 per month is not automatic, you have to work for it.

SFI: This is the company at the centre of the equation. Why? Because this company has more than 100 000 products which an individual can market. If you recruit say, 10 people to join this company you definitely start to earn. You are paid 50% commission. This is the best commission you can think of. Getting half of the price of a good or service as a commission.

At the end of the month, you get paid a group bonus, depending on the points you get through the month. You also get rewards through competitions, if you win the challenges or draws. For your own information, there is a daily draw. I have never passed a month without winning something.

At SFI, you have free tools such as banners to promote your business. You also get free training from your mentors. You learn how to market your business.

Wealthy Affiliate: There is something wonderful and important about Wealthy Affiliate. Here you learn the art of website development and article writing. For a successful affiliate marketer, a good website and articles are the best tools. So you need them. You learn how to use them at Wealthy Affiliate. Of course, you may learn these somewhere else.

The good thing is that, you also earn at Wealthy Affiliate from inviting others to join it.

Markethive, MLM Gateway and IboSocial: These are all free sites to advertise your business. So, at these sites you advertise your SFI or Wealthy Affiliate Business. At these sites, there are many people who are searching for suitable online businesses. All you need to do is to write and post your articles there.

Therefore, if you are a writer you can earn quite good through advertising businesses such as SFI, Amazon, Clickbank and others.

If you want to know why I am so particular about SFI, read this article. MYSFI

Click WealthyAffiliate




Corneliu Boghian Thanks for the great info !!! Good day !!!
February 26, 2021 at 12:52pm
Bill Rippel Thanks for the great info Marshell.
November 12, 2020 at 3:46pm