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How The Liberal Mind Works

Posted by Raymond Jewell on December 31, 2019 - 8:06am Edited 12/31 at 8:20am

How the liberal mind works is an amazing piece of wiring which makes the logical mind wonder in amazement. The Liberal Mind will try to win at all cost and gets frustrated when it can’t.

There are many leaps that are taken in the liberal thinking process that allows them to come to the conclusions they do. Here's an observation that is mind-boggling. The liberal mind takes several unprecedented steps while coming to the conclusions it does. It first makes the assumption that the events it is focused on have happened. The liberal mind makes the leap that the event actually happened then proceeds to evaluate it using logic and laws. 

So here is the amazing step that it takes in its thought process, it assumes that the event actually happened, whether it did or not. It assumes that the event happens, only if it favors their agenda. There are many examples and here are a few.

  • The world will end in 12 years due to climate change. (No Evidence)
  • The economy is in bad shape. (No Evidence)
  • The President of the U.S. is racist. (No Evidence)
  • The President of the U.S. asked the President of Ukraine to investigate the Biden’s for political gain. ( No Evidence)

These are only a few. With the liberals willful ignoring the facts and assuming that the event has been done, leaves many rational thinking people scratching their heads. 

It’s like the 2nd step in the syllogism of deductive reasoning assumes that step two is true then the result of deductive reasoning is right. But, what actually happens is the 2nd assumption, which is assumed to be true in their thought. They are making the leap and assuming that an act has already been committed than they follow the path of logic. Sometimes the 2nd step in the syllogistic method of thinking is true but most of the time it is actually false but thought to be true by the liberal mind.

“Deductive reasoning goes in the same direction as that of the conditionals and links premises with conclusions. If all premises are true, the terms are clear, and the rules of deductive logic are followed, then the conclusion reached is necessarily true.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deductive_reasoning 

syllogism is a form of logical reasoning that joins two or more premises to arrive at a conclusion. For example: “All birds lay eggs. A swan is a bird. ... Syllogisms contain a major premise and a minor premise to create the conclusion, i.e., a more general statement and a more specific statement.

Here is an example of the liberal mind:

  1. To Impeach a President he/she must commit high crimes and misdemeanors. (True)
  2. The President committed a crime. (No Evidence, untrue)
  3. Therefore, the President should be Impeached. (Faulty conclusion)

Rational deductive mind

So if you change it to the actual truth that there is no evidence that the President committed a crime, it would look like this. 

  1. To Impeach a President he/she must commit high crimes and misdemeanors.
  2. There is NO evidence the President committed a crime.
  3. Therefore, the President should NOT be Impeached.

Now the liberal mind will argue that He did commit a crime, so if that’s true then the courts would determine whether he is guilty or not. All evidence to date proves that He did nothing wrong. You can’t expect a one-sided political agenda to give anyone a fair shake. 

In our country we are innocent until proven guilty so to make a leap that a person is guilty without hard evidence, the leap is not true. The liberal mind will take any event out of context and rewrite it to achieve their agenda. So in their mind, they are convinced that the event happened the way they want it to happen, regardless of reality. The liberal mind will expend energy trying to prove a false statement which makes them look silly in the minds of most logical thinkers.

The majority of the population knows that if there is no evidence there is no crime. They know when they are fed a bunch of poop and told it’s a hamburger. They still see as a pile of poop, even though some may view it as a hamburger. The hamburger viewers are in the minority, thank God.

At the impeachment hearings, I would submit to you that not one of the law professors would want to walk into court with a case as flimsy as the current impeachment one and try it. Jonathan Turley, a democrat law professor at George Washington University said there is no evidence the President did anything wrong. Simple, end of story! But the liberal mind will not let go.

So for years, I have been scratching my head saying that what the liberals were saying seemed to defy logic. Well, voila, they were defying logic by making a leap of ignoring the truth and assuming that the event happened. 

So going forward if you ignore truth than wrong becomes right! 

I hear a lot of time that conventional wisdom says X when it is wrong. When challenged the user of conventional wisdom will cite that “ conventional wisdom dictates”.

The term “conventional wisdom” was coined by the noted economist John Kenneth Galbraith a staunch liberal. It was his way of skipping over truth and explaining away an event when everyone started to believe inaccurate information was the norm. 

“Galbraith specifically prepended 'The' to the phrase to emphasize its uniqueness, and sharpened its meaning to narrow it to those commonplace beliefs that are also acceptable and comfortable to society, thus enhancing their ability to resist facts that might diminish them.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conventional_wisdom 

So, in conclusion, the liberals are right if you eliminate truth. All of their quoting of the laws and rules are correct in justifying the results they are looking for, they are correct except one simple point they totally ignore the truth. 

For years the democrats have promised great results and in their minds, they actually believe that they can deliver but when they get caught up in their own untruths they manage to convince themselves that everything is fine. Logic and truth say differently. 

So don’t fall for anything coming out of liberals mouths unless you can assess the whole picture and always question what they are using for facts. Are their facts truth or untruths? 

Remember when you put LIES next to TRUTH, LIES starts to look TRUE. 

Dr. Raymond Jewell

Valeriya thanks for the info
February 28, 2021 at 2:03pm