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  It is amazing how many people still do not understand what credit restoration is. Credit Restoration is the process of bringing back up a low credit score. Usually after the credit score has been damaged due to either a life event or just outright neglect. Yes, if you want to be able to have a credit score that will allow you to borrow money, perhaps in some cases even get that dream job, than your credit score is yet another of those pesky life issues that must be managed. This article addresses perhaps one of the best ways to restore a credit score that has fallen because bills have not been paid for any reason.

      The program is called Debt Dispute, and while not as prevalent as programs like debt settlement, it is the singular best method for raising a credit score and getting rid of debt collectors and debt all at the same time  This credit counseling program is so effective that it usually comes with a money back guarantee. That means a full, 100% return of all and any fees you may have paid to the disputing credit counseling company. Do I have your interest yet?

      Consider the fact that their are other debt relief programs. Not one of them offers the comprehensive results of debt dispute as offered by American Debt Enders. Probably the biggest misunderstanding of whether or not this program is right for you is that consumers think that because they took the money or ran up the credit card they cannot dispute the debt. Nothing could be further from the truth. This program calls into play over a dozen federal and state consumer laws that mandate that creditors of unsecured debt be able to produce a number of documents when asked to validate a debt, before collecting, or trying to collect. Again, nothing to do with whether you used the credit card.or the money.

       What starts the process? When a consumer enrolls in the Dispute Program, they give authorization for a representative to communicate on their behalf.  This is the same as appointing a power of attorney.   The representative is authorized to dispute the alleged debt with any third party debt collectors that may attempt to collect the alleged debt from you.  Because the client has appointed the authorized representative to do so, the representative will put together a dispute under various laws that pertain to the collection of debt.  The authorized representative will serve it as a notice on the debt collector within the 30 day dispute time frame as stipulated in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.  The dispute is witnessed by a notary and sent to the debt collector registered U.S. Mail return receipt requested, also done by a notary, to ensure proper record of the dispute by a state official.  This process is known as a notary presentment. The entire process takes between 18 and 24 months to complete. The cost is about half of the cost of any debt settlement program.

Again, here are some of the advantages of this approach:
No taxes on the successfully disputed debt.
Negative is completely removed from your credit report, as part of the credit restoration process.
Full 100% money back on any debt not successfully disputed.

If you would like to learn more and would like to enroll in this program, simply call us at 877-766-2465,
or visit: American Debt Enders and fill out an simple form and a consumer counselor will contact you.

Yours Truly
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