I don’t know what it is that brings on “the gray.” For some people, it comes when they are in their 30s, while others experience it in their 40s or 50s. It may come when you lose a loved one or realize that your friends have moved on from the way things were when you were younger. Maybe it’s triggered by a career change, an empty nest or a divorce. Whatever the cause (and there may be many), I want to share with you what I will never accept as my fate: living a life where I am miserable because of choices made by myself or others around me.
Don’t accept a life in which you are unhappy when you realize that there are ways to change it.
Don’t accept a life where you are not happy, because there are ways to make yourself happier than you have been before.
Don’t accept a life where you are not satisfied with what has happened or who you have become in the past. It is never too late to start doing something different than what has been done before!
Don’t accept a life where you feel like giving up and settling for less than what your heart truly desires—because this will only lead down an empty road filled with regret and disappointment!
Instead of settling for “good enough," strive for greatness by setting goals for yourself and achieving them one step at time (just like those little steps on stairs).
It is important to be honest with yourself. Don’t accept a job that you know will not bring out the best in you. If a particular job isn’t appealing to you, there must be another one out there waiting for your attention and skill set.
If you are unhappy at work, take action to make it better or find another place of employment where someone will appreciate what they have!
Don’t accept anything less than what you want for your kids, family and yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.
Don't settle for what life gives you.
Think about what you want from life and go after it. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people is often how they handle disappointment and failure.
Successful people always have a plan B, C, D etc., in case their first attempt fails. Unsuccessful people get discouraged when things don’t go their way and give up quickly because they don’t believe anything is possible anymore (see point 1).
Don’t settle for someone who says they love you, but then treats you like nothing. Don’t settle for someone who says they love you, but then hurts you. Don’t settle for someone who says they love you and promises to change, but never does. If a person has to tell you that they love you, ask yourself why? Do the words sound genuine? Or are their actions more convincing than their words?
You should not have to rely on people's word alone when it comes to matters of the heart. People can be good at lying and deceiving; however, their words are not always enough evidence to prove whether or not someone truly loves another person. There is no one perfect way of knowing whether or not someone loves us based solely on what they say; rather there are many ways in which this can be determined by observing how a person acts towards us over time - especially under adversity!
The word “should” is a trap. It stops you from feeling good about your life and keeps you living a life based on other people's expectations.
Let’s say the boss says to you, “You should be a perfectionist at work, so I can trust you with my company more.” One day, your friend says: “You should go out with me tonight. You don't want to be stuck at home all the time! Don't worry about being tired tomorrow morning because we'll just go for coffee first thing in the morning after work! You need some fun in your life!"
What do these statements have in common? They both tell you what you should do (perfectionism at work and going out) rather than give any logical reasons why it would benefit YOU (job security, making friends). If someone tells us what we "should" do without providing any reasoning behind their statement or telling us how it will benefit US personally then they're basically saying that our feelings don't matter and that there are no other options available besides following through on their demands."
You are good enough.
You are not unappreciated.
You deserve to be treated with respect, and you deserve to be happy.
Don’t let your life pass you by
Don’t be afraid to take risks
Be bold and brave, like the many visionaries in history who changed the world for good, not only for themselves but for everyone else.
You have to be brave and go after the life that you want, because it’s not going to come to you. You have to take responsibility for your own happiness and success by making changes in your life when necessary. Don’t accept a life without fulfillment!