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Giving up is simple. However, now is not the time to give up.

Posted by Ronald Tate on November 17, 2022 - 12:34pm

Giving up is simple. However, now is not the time to give up.

When was the last time you encountered a challenge that you had neither anticipated nor planned for? You might have had to make one of two decisions on anything personal that was involved. The first step involved accepting what was taking place, giving up on trying to fix it, and denying oneself any sense of hope. Finding a means to handle and manage the problem was the better option, even if there wasn't much you could do to control it. Which one did you pick?

It always takes the least amount of effort to take the easy route. Consequently, whether faced with hard circumstances, an unforeseen circumstance, or even times when you have persistent questions about how to tackle a problem, resigning in the face of a challenge sometimes seems easier. Working through any of these issues could seem too difficult because of the amount of effort you anticipate it will take to go past it.

Make the affirmation: This is not the day to give up when you are faced with a decision on whether to keep trying or give up the next time you find yourself in a crossroads. Quitting should never be an option, no matter how many times it seems you have let yourself down in the past due to acts or inactions performed, including the amount of times you believe you have failed. Simply put, having a defeatist attitude because a scenario or event has gotten too challenging won't get you anything.

I am aware that in some circumstances, accepting this could appear simpler than it actually is. For instance, if you are dealing with a health diagnosis that you were not prepared for and you feel that the future would be unpredictable. Now is precisely the time to remind yourself that today is not the day to give up. Your state of health will be directly impacted by your attitude. You might discover that what and how you believe affects your capacity to confront the future and take care of your wellbeing. What you can do is develop a trust in your inner power, which you can tap when needed. When you do, you'll discover that your mind is stronger and that you are prepared to tackle whatever lies ahead.



Why I'm quitting: The Unexpected

In life, unexpected events can and will happen. Usually, it comes on suddenly and takes you off guard. This would probably be the first situation in which you would desire to stop facing what is in front of you. There is no way to prepare for every scenario and circumstance you might face or are likely to encounter. You have two options when the unexpected occurs, which it inevitably will: You can try to run away or hide from it, or you can face it head-on. Running away from your troubles and issues is, as you are well aware, only a temporary fix. You will always need to deal with whatever happened in your life at some point. You'll discover that your ability to handle any circumstance completely depends on how quickly you can muster your inner resolve and power.

Reason for leaving: Persistent doubts

Your capacity to deal with difficult circumstances, whether they are personal or professional, may depend on how mentally strong you are at the moment. For instance, as long as you are in a good frame of mind, a tiny setback in your life, such as a goal you were unable to finish as quickly as you had planned, should not be a major obstacle for you.

It may be much harder to pick up steam if, on the other hand, you view this as a failure and now feel that you have only ever been a failure in life. Doubts that you let to persist, whether they be regarding your aptitude, capacity, or anything similar, are much more self-defeating. When you feel challenged or come across something that initially looks too difficult to handle, the more doubts you foster, the easier it will be for you to give up.

Your Personal Power and Strength

You may hear other terms like resilience, willpower, grit, and determination used to describe the inner strength you possess. I simply refer to the culmination of all these attributes as your internal power. Every time you want to give up or stop, you need all these components to give you the courage to keep going. You have three distinct powers—the Power of Potential, the Power of Beliefs, and the Power of Affirmations—that are produced from your inner strength. Each of these abilities can be intentionally developed and used for personal growth. You can utilize any one of these abilities at any time to ensure that today is not a day you give up due to the circumstances.

The Strength of Possibility

There is something you have overlooked to take into account whenever you perceive a situation as being too difficult, beyond your ability or capacity, more than you can tolerate, or any other reasoning that could be a combination of these reasons: You have a lot of promise. You must frequently remind yourself of this truth, especially when you are doubting your capacity to deal with a problem or condition.

To look ahead at possibilities and know you have the power to affect change, all it takes is a brief moment of clarity when you realize you can do more with your life. This is because you have the potential to accomplish more with it. Your potential is the capacity to cultivate a mindset of strength and resist giving in to doubts and anxieties, even if you have heard the worst possible news or the unexpected has happened.


The Influence of Belief

What is a current positive self-belief you have? Or is it simpler to imagine something bad?

A belief is a mental assertion you form and maintain, frequently without altering, unless you deliberately choose to do so. It's something you say to yourself repeatedly enough that you start to believe it to be true, especially if you find sufficient proof or results to back it up. For instance, if someone thinks they are a failure in life and they keep seeing other people fail at everything they try, the data would just seem to confirm and strengthen their opinion. The simplest beliefs to form and repeat are those that are negative, particularly when things in life are not going well. However, the greatest influence on your life's success can be had by the strength of your optimistic thoughts.

You need to shift your focus when you are going through a period in your life where it feels like you want to give up and when unfavorable thoughts are recurring in your head. Consider your most recent noteworthy achievement. Keep in mind the specifics and how it felt to succeed in achieving that particular objective. Consider this as you reflect right now: Until you make a first attempt and try, you won't know what you are capable of. By taking the initial step, you were able to accomplish your previous objective. Although you cannot predict the future, you do have the power of your beliefs. You can approach the situation mentally prepared and unafraid.

Affirmations Have Power

Affirmations help you develop the last internal power you possess. These are declarations that are personalized for you and are meant to support you during times when you require courage. For instance, dread and doubt-based emotions can be among the worst ones to feel. Making strong, affirming statements that start with "I am" and end with upbeat words, such as "strong," "powerful," "hopeful," "unafraid," "fearless," "focused," "calm," etc., will help you transform your way of thinking.

There are further situations in which this power may be helpful. For instance, you might be faced with what seems to be an impossibility, and for some reason, you may first think that you are doomed to failure. Or perhaps you come into contact with someone who, despite your best efforts, doesn't have faith in you or won't stand by you. The phrase "I can and I will" and an upbeat statement like "perform to the best of my skills" or "believe in the best about myself" should be the first and last words of your statement. The goal is to assist you in creating a helpful frame of reference, which will then assist you in developing beliefs.

You Are Not Limited.

It's time for a mental self-evaluation whenever you feel like giving up or quitting. In order to find the strength to keep trying, ask yourself these questions: What else can you achieve? What could be accomplished with a little extra work? What do you think about your capacity to handle the current scenario or unforeseen circumstance?

If you're thinking about a task you wish to finish, take into account this: The sky is not the limit in this situation. What matters is what you are prepared to consider, work toward, and commit to. What you can believe has no boundaries.

For every reason to give up, there is an even stronger one to keep trying when it comes to overcoming your fears and doubts. The more difficult the task at hand, the more tenacious your commitment must be. It's not simply a question of how you'll get through what you have to go through; it's also a question of how determined you are to keep going even in the face of fear or uncertainty.

It only takes a shift of attention for you to access the limitless internal strength that you possess. Giving up won't be an option today or any day after you make "I can" and "I will" your personal mantras.

Otto Knotzer thanks for info
November 18, 2022 at 7:40am