If you are looking for fresh leads, Organic Prospects is a great choice. This membership site offers you a list of 70 new leads daily. Each lead is unique and is graded within 48 hours. To keep your list fresh and full of prospects, Organic Prospects grades all leads within 48 hours. As a member, you will receive 70 leads each day that are completely unique. What's great about Organic Prospects is that you can easily filter out the leads that are not suitable for you.
One of the main benefits of Organic Prospects is its compensation plan. It pays you for every referral you make to new affiliates. You receive seventy-five percent commissions from new affiliates that sign up after you. Then you earn a percentage for every lead that reaches an interest score of 85% or higher. Organic Prospects compensates affiliates through a five-level unilevel compensation plan. You earn up to $1,500 in commissions if you recruit one new affiliate each month.
Until recently, service firm leaders assumed that there are hundreds of thousands of great new prospects. But, what about the quality of those prospects? What separates them from the bad ones? Can the firm pull them into a business relationship? How do they separate the bad ones from the good? Read on to learn how you can determine if organic prospects are good or not. Listed below are some things you should know. Then, you can decide whether to join the program.
The cost of Organic Prospects membership is quite reasonable considering the quality of the service and the fact that it is budget-friendly. Although this service does not promise you to become a high-functioning business, it will provide you with the tools you need to succeed. You will just have to put in a little effort to make it work. There are many other business building services out there that promise the same thing. Organic Prospects is no different.
The founders of Organic Prospects, Greg Stinton and Aaron Warner, have been doing everything in online marketing since 2003. They have created a program that connects businesses with prospects. Their process starts by rating prospects based on their Genuine Interest. It runs from 0% to 100%, depending on how much a prospect really wants to learn about home-based businesses. Then, a prospect is left if they have a Genuine Interest level of over 75%.