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Regain your own power, stop accepting blame, and begin building an amazing life!

Posted by Ronald Tate on April 21, 2023 - 12:24am

Regain your own power, stop accepting blame, and begin building an amazing life!


Whether you are a C-level executive, a salesperson or the CEO of your company, it's important to know how to take back your personal power. When people blame others for their problems and don't take responsibility for their own actions, they are not in a position to change anything. If you blame others for your problems, then you will never be able to create an incredible life for yourself. But remember that you weren't born with this ability—it took time and effort for other people in your life to convince you that there was something wrong with them instead of something wrong with the way they were handling things. So if you want to stop blaming others (and start creating an incredible life), here's what I recommend:

The problem is the belief that you are powerless.

This is one of the most common beliefs that people have about themselves, and it's a big mistake! If you believe that your power comes from outside of yourself instead of inside, then when someone takes away or limits your access to external sources of power (like money or material possessions), it will feel like an attack on who you are as a person. This can make it difficult for some people to accept help from others because they feel like they're being taken advantage of by asking for assistance when they "should be able" to do everything themselves without any help whatsoever.

However--and this is important!--your own personal sense of worthiness does not depend on whether or not someone else gives them something valuable; rather than requiring validation from others before feeling worthy enough as human beings ourselves, we should be focusing our energy on doing things in service toward improving ourselves first so that we may live happier lives overall!

You do not have to be a rescuer

You do not have to be a rescuer. You cannot control other people's behavior or the past, but you can change how you deal with these things in your life.

If people are constantly blaming you for their problems and issues, then they need to take responsibility for themselves and their actions instead of passing it off on others. This is not your fault! The past cannot be changed; only lessons can be learned from it so that we can make better decisions going forward in our lives. The same goes for other people's behavior--you cannot change it because they have their own choices in what they choose to do (or not do).

You can take responsibility for your own life.

You are responsible for your own life and no one else is. You are the only person who can change or control your life, everyone else is just along for the ride. No matter how much we wish it were different, this is how it works. And if you want to create an incredible life then taking responsibility for yourself has to be part of the equation!

So what does this mean exactly? It means that if something isn't working out in your world - whether that be relationships with friends/family members or career struggles - then there's only one thing left: YOU! Part of taking back our personal power is realizing that we cannot control another person's actions (or reactions). Sure, maybe there were signs early on but if someone chooses not listen despite being warned repeatedly then chances are nothing will work out between them anyway even if they did listen at first."

You are in control of your own consciousness

You are in control of your own consciousness. You are responsible for the thoughts that create your reality.

You can choose to change those thoughts and change your reality, or you can choose not to change them and keep creating the same old results over and over again.

It's up to you!

Your problems are caused by your beliefs, not external circumstances.

You may have heard this before and it's true because our beliefs are the result of past experiences that we've had and they can also be changed with the right tools. Beliefs are something that we create ourselves through our own choices, so if you don't like how things are going in your life right now then it's time to change those old negative beliefs into new empowering ones!

The only way to ensure that you're in control of your own power is to start taking responsibility for it.


      Stop blaming others. If something goes wrong, don't make excuses or try to shift the blame onto someone else--take ownership of your part in what happened and make a plan for how you can fix it next time.

     Stop playing victim! You are not a victim! You are responsible for your own happiness and well-being; no one else can do that for you but yourself! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise (especially if they are trying to get something out of it). If someone does try this tactic on me now though... I just smile politely at them then walk away because I know better now!

I hope this article has helped you to see that you are in control of your own life and power. You don't have to be a victim or a rescuer, as it's only your beliefs that hold you back from creating an incredible life. Once you realize that there is no one else who can save or blame but yourself, then it will become much easier for you to take responsibility for everything in your world!


Otto Knotzer Thanks for sharing
April 21, 2023 at 10:58am