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Synchronicity And How It Is

Posted by Ronald Tate on November 15, 2022 - 4:17pm

Synchronicity And "How It Is"


I've always been interested in synchronicity, the phenomena where seemingly unrelated events occur simultaneously. It's like magic! And it happens all around us, every day (though we rarely notice it). This is because our minds are so busy jumping from one thing to another that we don't realize what is happening right in front of us.

When we are not paying attention, or feel rushed, or are on autopilot... that is when accidents happen.

You may recognize this feeling. You are driving down the freeway, and suddenly your mind wanders off. You suddenly become aware of yourself looking at the road. You ask yourself where you were just thinking about or what project you were working on. The answer is probably nowhere special, but it can be hard to tell sometimes because our minds wander without us realizing it.

Inattentional blindness happens when we are not paying attention, so we cannot see what is going on around us. We may think we are paying attention all along, but in reality, our minds are somewhere else entirely—it’s like automatic pilot mode where your body keeps moving while your brain takes a break from driving!

When this happens while driving, accidents can happen! It’s almost like there’s another person behind the wheel who wasn't paying attention either...

That's when the chances of something negative occurring rise dramatically.

When you are not paying attention, when you are on autopilot, when you are not thinking for yourself and instead relying on others to feed your brain with thoughts (news, TV shows etc), then your state of synchronicity drops dramatically.

When this happens something else happens as well: your chances of having a negative experience increase.

This might seem counterintuitive but it makes sense if we think about what synchronicity is—or rather what it means—and where it comes from.

It's like being a computer program that is running in the background but not thinking for itself.

Imagine being a computer program that is running in the background of your life. You are not paying attention to what is happening around you, and your mind is not in a flow state. Your mind is scattered and out of focus on what you are doing, as well as unaware of what's going on around you.

It's like being at work, but you're thinking about how much work there still needs to get done this evening when all the while there might be someone standing right next to you needing help with something! Or maybe they’re talking on their cell phone while walking past your desk and they accidentally bump into it causing papers everywhere! This happens often enough that after a while one gets used to ignoring these things because it becomes so normal for them that nothing seems wrong here anymore (even though it really does).

I call this allowing your "higher" self to take over and guide you, acting without acting. It's an amazing experience when you get there!

This is a very exciting state of consciousness to be in. You will be more focused and attentive to what's happening around you. Things that never before seemed important suddenly become important, and you will notice things about people and situations that were previously hidden from your view. The world becomes alive!

You truly become one with everything and everyone around you in this state of synchronicity. This happens because there is no separation; all things are part of an infinite whole -- including yourself! It's an amazing experience when you get there!

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When we allow our "higher" self to take over and guide us, we are more focused and attentive to what is happening.

When we allow our "higher" self to take over and guide us, we are more focused and attentive to what is happening. We become aware of the people around us, the details that surround us, and the opportunities that present themselves. In this state of heightened awareness, we can choose how we want to respond rather than reacting unconsciously out of habit or conditioning.

I have found that synchronicities often occur at night time when I am sleeping but wake up feeling very alert and clear-headed with a strong sense of knowing. My dreams can sometimes take me on journeys into other worlds where I meet beings who communicate with me telepathically or visually show me things about myself or others that help me make sense of situations in my life as well as give guidance through difficult times ahead. During these experiences it feels like there is another level of reality present which is much more real than waking life since everything seems so vivid yet without being overwhelming like an ordinary dream would be like if it were lucidly remembered upon waking up from sleep (instead when lucidly remembering one's experience during such an altered state).

In this state of synchronicity, your mind is in a flow state and not jumping from one thing to another. You notice things you never noticed before when in this state.

Synchronicity is a state of being. It is not something you can force, it just happens.

When in this state, your mind is in the flow state and not jumping from one thing to another. You notice things you never noticed before when in this state.

In this state of synchronicity, your mind is in a flow state and not jumping from one thing to another. You notice things you never noticed before when in this state.

You truly become one with everything and everyone around you in this state of synchronicity, which is a very powerful place to be when it comes to self-improvement affirmations.

When we are in a state of synchronicity, we are one with everything and everyone around us. This is a very powerful place to be when it comes to self-improvement affirmations. You become more focused and attentive because you are no longer lost in your own thoughts. In this state of "how it is", you notice things about yourself or the people around you that never would have caught your attention before—such as knowing someone's name even though they haven't introduced themselves yet or noticing that their shoe color matches perfectly with the paint on their office door frame!

This is all done through intuition; however, many people don't realize that intuition exists because they haven't experienced it before due to being too distracted by their own thoughts while living within relative reality (i.e., our normal daily lives). But once these individuals take control over their mind by becoming aware of its natural flow (as opposed to trying hard at something which requires considerable effort), then they begin experiencing synchronicity more often than not without even realizing it's happening because everything becomes so obvious once regained access into higher states of awareness such as this one called "how it really works".

If you've ever had one of those moments where time just seemed to go by so fast, and you noticed that it almost felt like you were there but not there... that's the space where synchronicity exists. Its a beautiful place to be!

If you've ever had one of those moments where time just seemed to go by so fast, and you noticed that it almost felt like you were there but not there... that's the space where synchronicity exists. Its a beautiful place to be!

The reason why this happens is because in that space, we're not thinking about time at all. We're only thinking about what we're doing in the moment, without any past or future thoughts getting in the way. These are moments when your mind is completely freed up from any problems too (after all, if they were running through your head, how could they be gone?).

If you're on autopilot, things will start going wrong in your life because you can't pay attention to every detail

Imagine you're driving home in your car, with the radio on and your mind elsewhere. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car comes flying around the corner and smashes into yours. You're not hurt but what happened?

What happened was that you weren't paying attention to the road in front of you because your mind was somewhere else. You were on autopilot!

This happens more often than we realize in our lives; when we do something without thinking about it because we assume everything will work out fine if we don't think about it too much (or at all). We might set up an appointment with someone without asking them when exactly they want to meet—and then end up waiting thirty minutes for them because they had no idea what time they wanted to meet either. Or maybe you went grocery shopping and forgot about something important like milk or toilet paper—but since there were other things going on at home which needed attention, making sure there were enough supplies wasn't as much of a priority at first glance as it probably should have been… You see where this is going?



"When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,


When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,

When the funds are low and debts are high,

And you want to Smile but have to sigh.

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about,

When he might have won if he'd stuck it out,

Don't give up though the pace seems slow,

You might succeed with another blow.

Often the struggler has given up,

When he might have captured the victor's cup.

And learned too late, when the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out,

The silver tint of clouds of doubt,

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar,

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit,

It's when things seem worst that you mustn't quit."


So, if you're ready to start living in the place where synchronicity lives, then you need to make sure that you are paying attention to what is happening around you. I know it sounds funny and easy to say that we don't pay attention, but most of us do. The hard part is figuring out how we can change this!

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