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You have a lot of things to work out in your own life.

Posted by Ronald Tate on January 03, 2023 - 2:16am

You have a lot of things to work out in your own life.


You're probably reading this because you've just dealt with something that made you want to cry, scream, or throw your phone across the room. You're not alone in that. In fact, I can guarantee that everyone has had at least one moment where they wanted to do those things (or all three) over the past week. And maybe you feel like other people are moving forward while you're stuck in time? Everyone makes mistakes sometimes and feels lost at others. That's just life – we all have shit to work out! No one is perfect and no one will make it through without any difficulties along the way but here are some important things:

Everyone has struggles they are dealing with.

You have a lot of things to work out in your own life. Everyone has struggles they are dealing with, and we all need to figure out how to deal with them. We all need to learn, understand, and make sense of our lives. The best thing you can do is remember that everyone faces their own unique challenges and difficulties.

Everyone makes mistakes.

I want to make sure that you know that everyone makes mistakes. You’re not alone in your mistakes or regrets, and it’s okay for you to feel the way you do about them.

Everyone in this world has made a mistake at some point, and those who are lucky enough will usually have a few regrets along with their mistakes. But if we don't look back at our pasts, how can we learn from them? If we don't acknowledge our failures and learn from them (or even just accept them), then how can we ever improve ourselves?

Mistakes are learning experiences—they're opportunities for us to do better next time around! Regrets are reminders of those mistakes; they help us remember what went wrong so that maybe next time around things can go smoother without any red-hot pokers involved.

Everyone feels lost sometimes.

You are not alone! No one has it all figured out. We all have moments where we feel lost, confused and like our lives are completely out of control. But the good news is that these feelings are perfectly normal and healthy—they just come with the territory of being human.

It's important to talk about these feelings with a trusted friend or family member who will listen without judging you in any way. You can also try distracting yourself by doing something you enjoy, like going for a walk or watching your favorite movie on Netflix (or better yet, making it yourself!)

Everyone has regrets.

Everyone has regrets. Some are small and insignificant, while others loom large over our daily lives. Many people write these off as simply part of being human, but I disagree: you can't just accept that it's okay to live with regret. Regret doesn't have to be something you have to endure forever—you can learn from your mistakes and stop making the same ones over and over again.

First things first: it's important not to think of regrets in isolation from other factors in your life or from each other. One thing that I've learned is that regretting one decision often leads me down a path where I'll make another bad choice because I'm afraid of regretting my original choice if I don't act on it immediately (or ever). That fear keeps me stuck even though the course of action might cause more problems than doing nothing at all! As soon as we start seeing our regrets as part of an interconnected web in which everything impacts everything else, then we're able to work through them more effectively by seeing how they fit into a larger narrative

Everyone is going to make it in their own way with their own timing.

Everyone is going to make it in their own way with their own timing. You have a lot of things to work out in your own life. Your parents and the rest of your family may be able to help you, but they don't have all the answers. You have to figure out what you want and how you're going to get there on your own.

Everyone has shit to work out in their life, this is just how it is and how it will always be. All we can do is try to make ourselves better every day and hope for the best for everyone else around us.

And you know what? Everything is okay. Your life is your own and no one can take that away from you. Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or even just knowing who you are as a person—you have to figure it out on your own. That’s just how it goes. It’s like learning how to walk: You figure it out eventually, but man does it suck at first!

The good news is that everyone has shit to work out in their life, so don’t feel alone because of this fact (although the bad news is that everyone has shit to work out in their life). This means that all we can do is try our best every day and hope for the best for everyone else around us as well as ourselves.


We're all just trying to make it in this world, and we're all doing it on our own terms. We can't control how other people deal with their struggles, but we can choose to support them when they are going through a hard time and try not to judge them for it. The most important thing is that you keep yourself happy while helping others do the same!

Otto Knotzer thanks for sharing
January 4, 2023 at 12:24pm