Dear Thomas,
This morning I was calling leads and noticed a @veretekk address.
Suddenly, I filled with a nostalgic wafting that took me back 10+ years
to when I first found and subscribed to your platform.
In my search for you, I found MarketHive, read your blogs, and breathed
a sigh of relief. Though Veretekk was gone, Thomas P. was not.
Everything you wrote about your innovation, your prescient grasp of
things-marketing, your presaging acumen (not your words, of course:
just the summary of your amazing accomplishments)... I knew personally
to be true. You were the trailblazer.
And still are. (Thank God.)
I remember vividly the poignant blog or email or something you wrote
11 years back or so, that pierced my heart because I so related to what
it takes to make a dream come true. You were sharing how your work,
your dedication to your mission, caused family problems and loss of your
eyesight (temporarily, I do hope) because of the long hours you poured
into your platform. I never forgot that story.
You were doing things that no one else could or knew to do. I have to
believe you are doing the same thing now. I love that about you. Souls
like you are connected to an ultimate clarity that manifests through your
vision and passion.
Just wanted to let you know I am grateful for your contributions of the past
and especially for those yet to come. This MarketHive sounds wonderful.
I do hope you are well and would love to stay connected, wherever your
mind and heart take you, Thomas.
With great respect and awe...