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Action - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 04, 2023 - 5:08pm Edited 11/7 at 1:35am


Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes.

Do you know this is a very valuable lesson? I don’t know if you’ve ever been on a set where they're shooting film or, it doesn’t matter whether you have or not, you’ve seen it on a movie or something and the key word is action. Now everything that happens up to that point is preparation. It’s when they say “action” that’s when everything starts to happen.

Well do you know that’s true in your life? It's true in my life. It’s true in everyone’s life. If you don’t move into action, nothing happens.

You can be doing work that you consider really very important work, but if it’s preparatory it isn’t going to get you the results. Now I know when you do move into action, it’s the preparation that will make the difference but you’ve got to move into action. You’ll often hear people say I’m going to try and do that. If you’re sitting down I would like you to try and stand up. Just see you can’t stand up, or try and stand up you’re either going to stand up or you’re not going to stand up. We’ll you’re either going to move into action on your ideas or you’re not going to move into action, now you can puddle around you can write about it, you can talk about it. Until you move into action, nothing happens. Now I want you to think about that.

We consciously think of ideas, we get emotionally involved in ideas. It’s when we internalize the idea that the entire body moves into a new vibration and begins to move into action. And that’s when things start to happen.

Make action the most important word in your mind over the next 24 hours. As you go through the day ask yourself, am I moving into action on something that’s going to improve the quality of my life? Am I moving into action on ideas that are really going to serve me? Am I moving into action on ideas that’s going to raise my income or am I puddling around with things that’s going to take away from my life? Very important word ... action. You’ve got to move into action and when you do, you’re going to get results that stick.

So as you go through the day, let the word action keep coming to your mind and I guarantee you, it’ll improve the quality of your life.

You know, it’s almost preposterous when you take a look at the phenomenal results can happen from one single idea. But you know that cell phone you’re using ... you know the monitor you’re watching me on right now. It’s all nothing but the expression of an idea and you can make ideas but they’re useless if you don’t move into action on them. It’s like someone said “ideas are a dime a dozen”. But the person who moves into action on them is worth millions. Action—let it keep coming to your mind all day long, and I guarantee you, like we promised, you’re going to get results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor and thank you.