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Affirmations - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 10, 2023 - 3:41pm Edited 11/10 at 3:41pm


Hello this is Sandy Gallagher, CEO of the Proctor Gallagher Institute. You know I’ve learned so many lessons over my career and I want to share a number of them with you. And today’s lesson is on affirmations.

Affirmations are powerful statements that stimulate your mind and add a new dimension to your life. They’re often referred to as auto-suggestion or self-talk. Affirmations are positive statements which, when given to your subconscious mind repetitively, can alter any old habits or old conditioning. Napoleon Hill in his masterpiece Think and Grow Rich, thought that autosuggestion was so important that he dedicated an entire chapter to it. And it’s the fourth chapter of his book on Auto-Suggestion or Affirmation.

Hill explained that affirmation is the most direct route of communication between the conscious mind where thought takes place and the subconscious mind which serves as the seat of habitual behavior. The great poet and philosophers of the past have all told us many times that we can control our destiny and here’s how we do it.

Number 1 We decide what we want.

Number 2 We write a statement indicating that we’re already in possession of this.

Number 3 We repeat the statement aloud several times every day with a strong feeling of gratitude and ...

Number 4 We expect to see that desire materialize in our physical world and really know it’s coming and it’s by repeating the statement in the present tense “I’m so happy and grateful now that...”.

You’re depositing in the image of plenty or prosperity into the treasury of your subconscious mind. By impressing that image with strong positive feelings of gratitude, you’re giving it the energy it needs to materialize.

The subconscious then does all the work for and through you. Your results today are merely the reflection of your subconscious thoughts and beliefs of yesterday.

So here’s what I want you to do today. Starting with 3 to 5 things that you truly want to have, do or be. Follow the above steps for each of them. And remember to write your statements as though you’re already in possession of these things as you write them down. Really feel how you feel when you have them. Hold these positive feelings as you read your statements throughout the day. Every day, feel the energy and excitement swirling inside you as you read it. Really feel it and believe it. You’ve got to expect these desires to take physical shape. You want to see them in your mind. Touch them, smell them, hear them, even taste them. And know they are yours.

Affirmations, try them. This is Sandy Gallagher helping you get Results that Stick.