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A Serene Mind - Six minutes to success series

Posted by Scott Worswick on November 11, 2023 - 11:16am Edited 11/11 at 11:16am

A Serene Mind

Hello there and welcome back to Six Minutes, this is Bob Proctor and this idea, it’ll change your life in so many different ways by doing what I’m going to suggest. Now remember I showed you where I had a list of 6 things. I had the quote by Vanderwall “do it once what needs to be done...” and our corporate logo.

Well, let me show you that sheet folded out. There’s the 6 things. And there is the last chapter from the book As Man Thinketh by James Allen. A wonderful little book. Just a little tiny book but it has some of the most phenomenal literature—mind blowing literature.

The last chapter is only 4 small pages and it’s a small book. And it’s on serenity. I recommend that people read this over and over and over every day. And we’re going to share it with you. You can get it here on our site. We’re going to give it to you to help you with this. Now let me just read you a couple of lines.

“Serenity, calmness of mind, is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. “

Isn’t that nice? Its presence is an indication of ripened experience and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought. Now I’m going to jump a couple of paragraphs here, he said “the calm person, having learned how to govern themself knows how to adapt himself to others and they in turn reverence his spiritual strength.” Wouldn’t you like people to look at you that way? I’m sure you would. And they feel that they can learn from you and rely upon you.

The more tranquil a person becomes the greater is his success, his influence, his power for good. And down a little further it says “the strong calm person is always loved and revered. He’s like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land and a sheltering rock in a storm.” Now I can assure you when I started studying this information and somebody had read that to me, I’d think, “Come on. You know, all I want to do is get enough money to pay my bills.” Well I got that and I got well past that but then I wanted to be, very at home with myself. I wanted to feel completely relaxed regardless of what was going on outside.

Most people—97% of the population—live from the outside in. You study this long enough and you’ll learn to live from the inside out and then it really doesn’t matter what’s going on out there. You’re in control of you. You’re God’s highest form of creation. Do you know all the rest of the little creatures on the planet blend in? The birds blend in with the trees. You see, the animals blend in with the forest. You and I don’t. They’re completely at home in their environment. We are totally disoriented in our environment because we have the ability to adapt ourself and to create our own environment. Now I was 79 on my last birthday and I am picking up speed every day. I have no intentions of slowing down. If all the power in the universe is on the presence it’s within me. So I’m going to become more powerful and go faster but at the same time I go calmly. So the trick is: calm down, speed up. That’s not a contradiction. Calm down. Speed up. Become serene. Read that last chapter every day and as you go through the day, if you find yourself getting heating up, getting a little uptight say, “Wait a minute. Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It’s a result of long and patient effort in self-control.”

You can start to plan it now and do it now even though you just heard it. And I guarantee you at the end of the day you’re going to be looking back at results that stick.

This is Bob Proctor, thank you.